Ch. 2 Nerved

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All were summoned, every general of Vlad Dracula Tepes, from the further corners of the world came the moment they were called to form and add to his army.

Cho, Zufall, Dragoslva, Sharma, Raman, and Godbrand. All present in grand council room. Along with the two humans and forge masters, Hector and Issac. Waited for their Lord to appear. A few took to conversation to pass the time, except for Godbrand, the Viking vampire kept scanning the room for another. He half expected them to be here, both of them actually.

Well he carried to see one in particular that filled him with pride. The other was natural, if that was the best way to say it.

Their domain was quite far, still they should have been here.

Unless a sudden sandstorm caught them, though Godbrand highly doubt that know full well how those sandstorms started.

"Where fuck are they?" He grunted, impatience in his words. "She had better not-"

The heavy doors open, rushing in the cool night air. Talk stopped for a moment and heads turned to the entering guests.

The crowd began parting respectfully for the the three guests. Leading the three a pale brown woman, with ebony lips, cold sharp amber eyes lined with green eye liner and long dark wine nearly coiled hair, pulled back into long braid to her ankles, and a golden headpiece adorned with jewels. Matched with her nearly transparent linen dress, golden arm bands reached to her shoulders, and sandals.

She carried two bronze hooked blades hitched on either side of her hip.

Her eyes meet the other generals, with a silent greeting. All except for Godbread, he earned a dark look. One he simply laughed off.

"Always the scornful look, Sekhmet," he said.

"You best hold your tongue, Godbrand," she warned wrathfully, baring her teeth.

To be calmed by a firm yet gentle touch on her shoulder. By her son Shabaka on her right.

"Mother, be at ease."

Hearing her sons words, she did knowing full well the result should she give in. Took a moment and regained her stoic and calm demeanor.

It did little help with Godbrand still chuckling.

"Father, please." The man pleaded. Looking to the Viking.

"Ah, I'm just fuckin around," Godbrand smirked, "that is how you came anyway."

His son groaned slightly. "Father, please..." he stressed.

"Alright, alright. Come here," Godbrand said gesturing. "let me get a good look at you."

Leaving his mother's side went over. Godbrand stood back admiring his offspring. Giving nods of approval. His boy had his built, hair color though it was shorter, though had his mother eyes and her eyeliner with her clothing style though his son wore waisted version of what his mother had.

"Good, you look like a Viking yet."

"Yes, thank you. I train everyday from dusk to dawn. I can spear three lions."

"Only three? You should be able to at least ten? Sekhmet! What the hell have you been doing with my son? Leaving in the fuckin desert, all that sand is messing him up!"

"Father, please. Don't not raise mother's wrath."

Godbrand's son stepped between his parents. Sekhmet kept her attention forward. Doing the best to ignore the hot blooded vampire. Her attendant Masud by her ushering her away. Over by the Hector and Issac.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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