6.1 Whispers Of The Waves

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She was back to her energetic normal self. Actually, at this moment, she was her exciting and highly crazy self. The cute little one-year old baby was all the happiness she could handle. Holding him in her arms felt so heavenly. She looked at his each move with wide eyes as if she herself was a child watching something very interesting. The baby's parents were looking around the party hall at the moment, while she was playing with their son.

"We like this hall, Lisa."

"Great then." She said, looking up and again brought her eyes back to the baby.

The mother bent forward to take him back. "Did he irritate you?"

"Not at all. He's so lovely." She said, looking at him with adoration in her eyes.

The mother smiled widely.

Whispers of the Waves

Alisa bent her upper body to the ground. Keeping her palms on her knees, she took deep breaths. She was panting and her facial muscles ached with all the laughing and grinning. It was her first day as a basketball coach. There were some girls who knew how to play while others were beginners. She made them stretch, started with layups and went to ball handling drills and dribbling. After that, she made the beginners rest and asked them to observe as she played a match with the other girls. It was super fun. The girls playing were completely engrossed in the game while the other students hooted, shouted and also observed keenly. She was loving it.

2 hours was just not enough. She wanted more but she knew she had to stop. They all sat down for some time in silence and then, started to leave. She took her bag and was about to leave too, when she spotted Chandr!

Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe he was actually here and he was looking at her.

"Hi!" She exclaimed with a huge smile.

He smiled. "Hi. You play well."

She was startled. "You watched me play? For how long have you been here?"

"Just 10-15 minutes, I guess. We finished early so." He checked his watch, before answering her.

"Finished early? You coach too?!" She was flabbergasted.

"Ya." He chuckled.

She couldn't understand what was happening! There were having a normal conversation without anyone's interruption. Would it all end again? Would she start missing him and getting confused about herself again? … Her mind was flooded by waves of doubts but she didn't let him see it in her Ocean blue eyes.

"Hey! You guys already met, ha? I should have known. It's Alisa after all." Deepak's voice interrupted.

"We've met before actually, Deepak." She informed him.

"Oh! Then why call me, when you know the owner of the place!" He announced, sarcastically.

"What?! Even this place is owned by the Dattas?!" She turned to Chandr.

"You know he's a Datta! You guys are pretty close. Well, this one's not a part of The Datta Enterprises. It's just his." Deepak answered, for his college mate, looking at his school mate.

"Ha?" She asked confused, shifting her gaze to Chandr once again.

"I bought it from the money I earned on my own so it's not a part of the Datta's."

"Your own!?"

"Ya" He nodded with a slight smile.

"Wow. What do you do?" She asked, amazed.

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