Uninvited Guests

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This was the second Night terror that I had, and it was probably one of the ones that I can't forget. 

A little backstory:

We moved again into a new house we were renting, and this one was a little bigger than our old one, keep in mind this is a few years later from the last night terror I had and it was Christmas eve. So me and my brothers where sleeping out in the lounge room on mattresses and my brothers where laying on a mattress that was across the bottom of mine. 

The Night Terror:

I woke up and rolled onto my back so that way I could roll onto my other side, but I stopped and couldn't move, so I was stuck on my back. I instantly remembered my last night terror and knew that this was the same thing, so I calmed myself down and looked down towards my little brothers, (Surprisingly I could move my head, but I still couldn't speak) My brothers where fast asleep. 

I started hearing noises coming from behind me, like a door slamming shut over and over again and the lights on our Christmas tree where flickering. Since I knew what was going on I wasn't as scared as the first time I experienced a night terror. though that changed when the terror really started kicking into gear, I heard someone knocking up in the roof, then the windows, then finally underneath the floorboards, but not just underneath the floor I could feel it underneath my mattress, it was as if a sledgehammer was slamming into my spine.

Then I felt something scratching the back of my head, it was like knives running down my skull. I looked backwards and could only see two glowing red eyes, I looked back down to check on my brothers and saw two really tall shadowy people with red eyes and sharp looking fingers, They both looked at me then my brothers who where still asleep and had their backs facing me.

I tried to scream or make a sound, but as usual it didn't work. The two things looked at me then my brothers, then back at me and pointed it was almost like they were pointing out the fact that I was awake. They both crouched down to look at my brothers, but instead of their knees bending forwards, they bent backwards I could hear the cracking noise when their knees bent. and as if almost in unison they poked my brothers to check if they were awake, then they both looked at each other, then back at the boys. 

They slightly pushed the boys' heads towards me and as soon as they did that my brothers rolled over both at the exact same time.

All of a sudden I felt something sharp go straight through my chest and saw a hand with sharp nails piercing through my chest, the fingers opened like a flower and that's when I woke up.

I didn't go back to sleep that night, I couldn't. I stayed on my iPad and watched over my brothers until morning, terrified that something might happen to them, even though it was just a dream I was still scared. though even if it was a dream I can say that the whole day I had horrible pains in my chest and spine.

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