Loki Odinson- Maid pt2

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Shortly after we arrived at Asgard and were greeted by a man with cool orange eyes.

"Heimdall this is lady y/n she is here to be Loki's new maid for the time being while he is on house arrest" Thor explained to the man I know named Heimdall.

But it doesn't seem Heimdall was on board with this idea for he gave Thor a shocked look and me a scared one.

"Um it is a pleasure to meet you lady y/n" Heimdall greeted in a weary voice "but um if you don't mind I need to speak to Thor privately quickly."

They moved 5 meters away from me... Welp so much for privacy because I totally cannot hear them.

Heimdall smacked Thor upside the head "What are you thinking?! She's only a mortal she won't last 30 minutes serving him, besides Loki hates mortals!" Heimdall exclaimed

"I'm very aware of the fact that she's a mortal but she's different, she's very skilled in combat and took Loki one on one in a fight and although she got stabbed I'd say she won. As for Loki hating her kind I really couldn't care less, he'll just have to deal with it."

"Thor I've always questioned your stupid decisions but I've never questioned anything more than this, my only question is, are you sure?"

"Heimdall dear friend I've never been more sure." Thor reassured his friend

"Oh I believe you" Heimdall muttered quietly as the pair started making their way back to me.

"So lady y/n-"

"Y/n, just y/n" I cut Thor off

"Alright, y/n we will now make our way to the castle where you will meet my father."

"You mean the all-father?" I question getting self conscious. I can't meet the all-father wearing my suit (yes they are all wearing their suits except Tony and Rhody cus that would be uncomfortable).

"Yes my father, is there a problem?"

"Well what if he doesn't like me because I'm a mortal? Or thinks I'm not very lady like for wearing a suit and kill aliens for a living?"

"You have nothing to worry about now c'mon" Thor ushered me

(Time skip cus I'm lazy)

"Hello father" Thor greeted the all-father

"Hello my son- who is this?" The all-father boomed

"This is y/n from midgaurd, she has agreed to being Loki's maid for the time being."

"A brave mortal indeed, but what makes you think she's up for the job?"

Before Thor even had a chance to open his mouth I stepped in.

"With all due respect sir but I think that's a question for me" I interrupted

"Alright then, what makes you think you're up for the job?"

"Well for starters Loki doesn't scare me. Secondly I'm skilled in combat fighting, I'm part of a group named the Avengers, earths mightiest hero's. And thirdly I've faced Loki before, even defeated him, so I think I'm the right person for this job" I stated confidently.

"I see, well you'd be up anyway, not like anyone else is gonna do it."

"Alright let's go I wanna introduce you to my mother" Thor said happily

Just as we exited the throne room we came face to face with a beautiful lady.

"Hello mother, this is y/n she's to be Loki's maid."

"Well what a beautiful young lady you are! My name's Frigga, its a pleasure to meet you!" Frigga said happily

"Hello Frigga I'm y/n and it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Such a kind, beautiful young lady" Frigga crouched "who will do amazing things one day"

I blushed "thank you Frigga"

"No problem deary now I believe it's time you meet Loki, he's in his chambers, Thor make sure you explain to Loki before y/n here goes in"

"Yes of course mother but y/n here already meet Loki, fought him and defeated him" Thor informed his mother

"I see you've already done great things, now off you two go, you know how your brother gets"

"Yes mother, let's go y/n"

As Thor led me down hall after hall I couldn't help but admire the beauty in it all, the floors shone brighter than the stars at night, the lights glowed brighter than the sun ever has, the walls held so much art and creativity Picasso couldn't compare and the royalty in it all was enough to knock you off your feet,


Thor stopped walking, snapping me out of my trance and lose balance causing me to fall to the floor.

"My dear apologizes y/n should have warned you we have arrived" Thor apologized

"No no Thor it's my fault, I wasn't paying attention"

"Enhanced by the beauty of this place?" Thor cheekily asked

"Yes, very much so" I replied

"Happens to everyone when they first step in, now I'm going to speak to Loki, so I need you to stay here before you come in, got it?"

"SIR, YES SIR!" I replied putting my hand up to a salute

"You got the wrong man" Thor stated while laughing


"Ok be back" and just like that he slipped through the doors and out of sight.

As I waited for Thor I couldn't help but to be enhanced by the beauty again. Something shone bright at the end of the hall so me being me went to go check it out, but as I turned to go back to where I once stood I realised that I'm not in the same hall.

How could this happen? All I did was walk towards the end of the hall and somehow I'm in a new hall. I looked all directions but none seemed to lead me back where I once was.

"Lady y/n?" I heard a voice call out in the distance


"Y/n? Where are you?"

"Gee Thor I wish I knew."

"There you are, why'd you wander off? I told you to stay"

"First of all, I'm not a dog. Second of all I saw something shine so I went to go see what it was and next thing I know, I'm lost."

"Well no worries let's go meet Loki and go over some rules"

Oh yippee.

Thor led me left than we reached what you could describe as an intersection and from there he led me right and there I could see Loki's room.

"Oh c'mon! I got lost and I wasn't even that far?"


"Well in my defense I don't remeber a intersection looking thing"

"Ok come now"

Here it goes

"Loki I'm sure you remember her" Thor said

And that's when I saw him...


"Hello agent y/n" Loki greeted while smirking

"Hello Loki"

1124 words (my longest yet)

Ok so second part to this is done, I'm probably going to do one more part to this mini series, don't wanna strech it out to long.

Bye bye

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