Peter Parker- Jealous

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I was walking down the hallway of midtown making my way to the cafeteria, once inside I instantly spotted my best friends Peter and Ned with MJ a little bit further from them reading, as usual.

I sat down greeting my friends, Peter and Ned said hi back while MJ gave me a nod.

"Hey y/n, your coming over to help me and Ned with the death star, right?" Peter questioned me

"Of course Pete, wouldn't miss it for the world."

We continued to talk aimlessly about anything for about 5 minutes until someone screamed my name, breaking the noisiness of the cafeteria.

"Hey y/n!" Flash screeched while standing up "Watcha doing sitting with Penis Parker when you could be sitting here with me?"

"No thanks Flash, I'd rather not sit with an asshole like you" I called back. The cafeteria broke out in laughter at my remark while Flash sat back down continuously telling his friends to shut up.


It was the end of the day now, classes were over and everyone was going home. I pushed my way through the crowd till I reached my locker.

When I finished packing my things I closed my locker and began walking until a familiar voice called me.

"Hey y/n" Flash greeted me

"Hey Flash" I greeted back

"Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"No, why?"

"Well I wanted to ask you on a date."

I was beyond shocked. Flash, the biggest asshole wants to go out with me? As if, it's totally a prank.

"Haha Flash, very funny." I retorted

"No I'm serious."

He did look serious, but why me?

"Why me?"

"Well your smart, funny, witty and deserve someone better than Penis Parker."

Of course, I should have known this had something to do with Peter.

"That's very nice of you Flash but-"

"Oh c'mon." He cut me off. "Give me a chance, I could do so much better than Parker could ever."

"No thanks Flash, besides me and Peter aren't even together."

And that was the truth, we weren't together but I wish we were, I've had a crush on him for a while but never said anything in case it would ruin our friendship. That and he likes Liz.

"If you aren't together than that gives you more of a reason to give me a chance"

I was about to respond until someone came up behind me and answered for me.

"She said no Flash, now back off." Peter said with venom lacing his voice. Never seen him this angry.

"What's it to you Parker? Jealous?" Flash teased.

"And so what if I am? She said no so leave her alone." Peter stated angrily clenching his jaw and balling up his fists.

Correction, NOW I've never seen him this angry.

"Alright, alright, fine, I'll go." Flash put his hands up in surrender and walked away leaving me and Peter alone, seeing as how the hallway was now empty.

I could feel the anger radiating off of Peter as I turned to face him, but he refused to look back as he was to busy glaring daggers where Flash once stood.

"Hey you good?" I asked confused as to why he was so angry.

"Yeah I'm fine." He brushed my question away and began walking.

"Hey wait up." I called after him

But he didn't listen, instead it seemed like he picked up his pace.

"Hey why are you running from me?" I questioned as I jogged to catch up.

"I'm not." He grumbled

"Uh yeah you are, you're walking abnormally fast." I stated

At this, he finally slowed his pace.

"What's got you so angry?"

"Who said I'm angry?" He sassed

"I did now tell me what's going on."

"I hate it when Flash thinks he can get everything he wants it pisses me off. I hate it when he pushes girls to do something, especially you."

"Wait, what do you mean especially me?"

"I mean your my best friend." He answered, though it looked like he wanted to say something else.

"Oh ok."

For the rest of the walk home it stayed silent, both of us thinking to ourselves. Peter walked me home (he always does because its on the same street, he lives a bit further down) and as I was unlocking the door he spoke up.

"Hey y/n?"

"Mhmm?" I hummed in response.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can Pete."

"Ok well, um, w-will you g-go o-on a date with m-m-me?"

At this I dropped my keys and turned around.

"You want me to go on a date with you?"

"Nevermind forget I asked, it was a stupid question anyway."

"No Peter! I'd love to go on a date with you, but I thought you liked Liz."

"No, I never liked Liz, I always liked you but thought you'd never date a loser like me so I tried moving on with Liz but everytime my mind would trail off to you." He admitted shyly.

"Peter you are not a loser, and truth be told I always liked you to."

Peter grinned

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7?"

"Sounds good." I kissed his cheek and went inside my home, smiling like an idiot.

As I looked outside the window I saw Peter doing a happy dance and walk away with the biggest smile on his face.

Hey guys so this is my first imagine, I don't have much experience with writing so forgive me if this sucks I will get better as I go. Requests are open, I'll try my best to make them how you want and good. Forgive me for any spelling error/ punctuation marks.

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