Chapter 23

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Em's scream ran through my mind over and over again as I stood next to Officer Darren. "Hello? Hello? Miss Swift will you tell me what happened?"

I snapped out of my trance and nodded. "Y-Yeah! Sorry about that, I-I was zoning out." After we found John's body, David called the police while I tried to calm down Em. The police arrived quickly

"Mhm, will you please tell us exactly why you decided to come back here? And please, don't leave any details out."

I told him everything, apart from the weird feeling I had. Instead I told him that John had sent me a letter saying that if I didn't come he would kill Em. Of course the police wanted to see the letter, but I obviously didn't have it so I told them that I had ripped it up in anger and thrown it away. David and Em were confused for a second but understood why I was lying. After all, it would be suspicious if I had decided to go to the house just because of a weird feeling I had, right?

I looked at Shadow through the corners of my eyes. I could hear him grumbling about not being able to kill John.

Officer Darren went to David to confirm my story, luckily David caught on and lied too. I know it's a crime to lie to the police, but it's better the the trouble the truth is worth.

Em was too distressed to answer any questions so they drove us back to David's house. We sat awkwardly in the back of the police call as they drove in silence.

Once we arrived at their house, it was already sunrise. I can't imagine what's going through Mrs. King's mind as she sees the police Officer bringing her children and their friend home. Poor Mrs. King.

We got out of the car and sheepishly walked with the police to the front door where Mrs. King stood with a worried expression. A cop stood next to her, saying something, probably telling her where we were. She wore a golden bathrobe and has a sleeping mask on her head.

As we were walking to the front door, Mrs. King ran to us and scooped the three of us into a tight hug. She scolded us as we let out a laugh. The police said goodbye and let us rest for a few days before coming back in two days. They brought me to the police station, trying to get in contact with any blood relative of mine, unfortunately I didn't have any aunts or uncles or grandparents that could take care of me. Luckily Mrs. King was willing to take me in, making her my legal guardian.

Mrs. King moved all of us to a different state after she learned about how I was bullied brutally by the other kids. She believed that I deserved better and that it would be much safer somewhere else. Don't really blame her.

Shadow for some reason still stayed by my side, even though his job was technically done. I'm glad that my best friend is still able to stay with me. I became even closer with Em and David, mostly because I live with them for now.

Life was pretty happy for all of us. We graduated high school and went to the same college. And eventually we graduate college and got jobs.

But who knew that they would both propose to me at the same time with the same ring? It was pretty funny seeing them both get on one knee and pull out the ring. I didn't know who to choose, I didn't want to break either of their hearts, so they decided to play Rock Paper Scissors and Shoot. Em lost all three rounds, and David became my new fiancé.

Em was a sore loser at first, going to my place everyday to bring flowers and try to get me to marry her instead. Eventually she gave up decided to be my maid of honor instead. The wedding is just next week... oh how time flies by when your around the people you love.

Who knew that life would turn out perfect for me? I'm glad that I was able to get a happy ending.

I hope you've enjoyed my story! I know the ending is kind of rushed but don't worry! There'll be not one not two but three epilogues! These epilogues will basically be the final endings for this book. Each epilogue will be different and I hope you read all of them. All I'm going to say is that only one of them will have a somewhat happy ending. :)

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