Part 5: First Blood Perk

Start from the beginning

He practically stumbled down the stairs and swung around the corners to make it to the library. 

There was that small exchange of words with Chabashira and Momota, but he tried to push them away as fast as possible. He knew deep down they were giving the death more time to unfold, but he still wanted to hurry. By then, Akamatsu rejoined him panicked.

They threw the library doors open, eerie silences chalked up the air. With only the sound of sliding wood accompanying the rigid chill around them. Saihara stood still for a moment, almost too still. He watched Akamatsu hesitantly, but confidently walk over to the door disguised as shelves. 

She froze. Her head turned towards where one of their cameras had been set up. He expected a scream. Like scripted. But instead, her looks seem to relax into loss hope. Muttering words of disbelief. As if in shock, unlike her character as the emotional rightfully driven protagonist. She said something he'd say if he truly believed they were trapped in a killing game. 

"Oh, Amami...?"

She stared and stared. Saihara couldn't place it, something was wrong. Either with the script or her. His thoughts were interrupted when Momota came up behind them. Seeing what Akamatsu had seen. 

"What in the world!?" He gasped. "What the hell is going on!?" 

Shuichi moved next to the terror-stricken Astronaut. Carefully onlooking the dead body as if he just arrived on the scene. Chabashira was not too far behind, once her eyes found Amami, she screamed.

Her scream alerted everyone else, those who had been in the game room fled to the library. Gokuhara was first to assist Chabashira, but quickly seeing the issue, he shared the same unnecessary scream. Yumeno hardly blinked at the bloody death. Yonaga cheered in curious wonder as she peered at Amami's limp form.

Last, Harukawa stated the obvious about his status; clearly dead. Saihara felt the sorrow fill his chest, and in last hope, he checked for Amami's pulse. Sure enough, they were too late. Thanks to Momota and Chabashira. 

He glanced over at Akamatsu, to see if she returned to her lines. Yet, all he saw was the Pianist shaking in uncertain fear or pain. She looked sick, about to keel over at any moment. Was she feeling the punishment of going against her lines?

It wasn't long before everyone else flooded the space around passed-on Amami. Next to scream was Shirogane, who all in all, had a delayed reaction to it. Kiibo sputtered in panic and shock, holding his hands up in pointlessness. Iruma gagged and turned away. Shunguji nodded with eyes that foretold his thoughts of expectancy. Merely chuckling at the sight of the blood.

Saihara's eyes landed on Ouma. Who was staring at Amami with wide eyes and white lips pressed tightly together. He seemed pale and scared, to say the least. "Wh-What...?" He muttered softly. "...This is a lie, right?" He sighed, "My dearest Amami is dea–"  His purple eyes flickered up to catch Saihara's. Rightfully so, since he just spat words foreign to the air.

"Oh, I mean..." Ouma righted himself, Taking a deep breath and yelling with all the tears he could muster; "...was kiiiiiiilled..!" He sobbed and rubbed his hands in his river of obviously fake tears. Those were an exaggerated version of what he was supposed to say, but it would have to do. This was live after all. 

Akamatsu muttered something about that being the same thing, while Hoshi uttered another about it being ironic. Saihara tuned out the rest of the blurr Monokuma was spitting. He knew there was an investigation, he didn't need to be told twice.

His eyes just kept on Ouma. Who still kept crying even though no one was bothering to hand him attention for it. After Monokuma poofed out of existence, he stopped sobbing and perked up. Looking straight at Saihara. "Let's get going then!" He cheered. With that, everyone started bickering amongst each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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