Part 4: Chapter 1

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[Authors note: this will basically start out following the games dialogue. Until I scrap that and start to go off course because explaining everything when you already know it can be boring. Also. Monokubs can go die in a hole.]

Waking up was less than pleasant. Unless you consider whacking your head on a cold surface is a reasonable way to rake your consciousness back into reality. Muttering a pained "ow", his hands fumbled around his surroundings. Again and again, hitting that chilling mental he found himself slumped against.

It was dark, but line like holes were at his eye level. Allowing him to see out. He leaned forward. Attempting to see better, when the whole wall gave way and he was sent crashing forwards. He failed to realize how dizzy he was, because his balance was nonexistent. His knees hit the floor first, of course his body fell after it in pursuit. Luckily enough, his elbows took the rest of the fall damage. Saving his head from whacking against the cracked tiles below.

Locker. And it wasn't a wall that fell, it was the door that gave way, now swinging on its rusty hinges at the momentum. It registered, with memory flooding in from the script he had to follow. That meant Akamatsu already had her camera moment by now.

Suddenly the pain in his head became much more powerful. It didn't seem natural at all. The dull thud that rattled against his skull seemed to drag out a sound of some form of discomfort. "Hnnng..." with his fogged vision, he could only see the feet of someone else. Fear, genuine fear seemed to turn on. "...Ahh!" Panicked, he pulled himself up on shaking knees.

Before he could attempt to run, Akamatsu's familiar voice filled the air, already sending safe messages. "Huh? How rude! Don't freak out like I'm some sort of monster!" Or rather, offended and off putting tones. He only flinched, his hand going to the brim of his hat that he just realized was sitting on his head.

"Ah, sorry..." he muttered. His mind running through the possible scenario that he had upset her too much. Had he spoiled his chance of friendship with her already? Before he sputtered on about being confused and scared, she had already moved on. She sighed and gave him a sympathetic sigh. "Look... I'm sorry too, I have no idea what's going on..."

One thing that they could agree entirely on. She told him to stay calm, referencing different types of songs he's never heard of to brighten the mood. "This...isn't a dream, right?" He heard himself say. More so directing it towards himself than at her. "No," she replied resolutely. "But I wish it was."

He shook himself from a despairing mind set. This girl, as he very well knows is Akamatsu, is optimistic and he can't help but at least try to follow her footsteps. "I'm..." he takes a deep breath. Starting with something simple. "...Saihara Shuichi."

Her look brightened. "Oh yeah! Right, I'm Akamatsu Kaede!" She gave a shy look. "...And some even know me by my title, as the Ultimate Pianist!"

Looking down at her uniform. He did notice her skirt having notes as designs. Either it was a coincidence, or not. "...that's, strange. They call me the Ultimate Detective..." her light purple eyes lit up. "Woah! A Detective! That's amazing!"

Meaning, or at least he thinks, his uniform had been designed to match his talent. If she is here, surely others were too. He put a hand to his chin as Akamatsu praised him and eventually faded into her own story. How she grew up with hands born for pressing piano keys. Even mentioning her nickname of Piano Freak.

She seemed too optimistic for such a poor situation. Against him who was wondering how he managed to get here in the first place, coming up with constant blanks.

Suddenly he remembered that he's on camera. Blinking, he dropped his hand. He had forgotten. Almost believing the situation they were in was truly real. He wonders if Akamatsu is caught up in it all already. Lost in the programming and situation to really understand anything.

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