Ch 2 meeting a nun

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Y/n: I can't believe that I'm doing this

I say while giving out flier after flier to any person that passed by me who most of the time accepted it while the other times gave it back to me

Y/n: when I became a devil and start thinking what's going to happen to me now, this wasn't even close to the list of things that I thought I was going to do

After a couple of minutes of giving out fliers, I eventually ran out of any to give which made me let out a sigh of relief at not having to do this anymore, before I could take a step back to school, I heard a loud shout which made me look to see a nun with her face on the hard concrete floor, thinking that I should help her I walked up to the nun and lifted her up from the ground and up to her feet

Y/n: you really need to watch where your going sister cause I won't always be here to pick you u-

Before I could finish my sentence, the veil that covered the nuns face was blown down which made me look at her face to see that she has long blond hair and green eyes, as soon as I looked at her my mind was invaded by multiple flashes of a small blond haired girl who always smiled at a kid version of the man with white hair who now looks like a kid version of me and a kid version of the blond haired man who always fought him

???:... Um, are you ok?

Hearing that she's asking me a question, I snapped out of it and tried to look as normal as possible after what I've saw

Y/n: y-yeah I'm fine, anyway the names y/n, and your's is...?

???: asia aregeto, I'm a nun who was requested here to heal someone that's currently residing in the church here

Y/n: the church here? But there's no one that needs help at the church I'm living in, and the only other church here is abandoned

Asia: yeah, but if there's someone that needs my help I can't decline them so, can you please show me where the other church is?

Y/n: um, ok then but don't expect the place to look brand new

Small Timeskip

Y/n: well here we are

I say with asia next to me while we stood In front of the abandoned church, it was basically a bunch of broken white wood that was placed to barely look like a building and was covered in many vines

Asia: wow, when you said it was abandoned you really meant it

Y/n: yeah, but are you sure this is the church? since ever since I lived here this place has been abandoned  and run down, hell no one has even come close to this place for years

Asia: I'm sure it is, anyway it was nice to meet you y/n, I hope we could see each other again next time

Y/n: same here, but how about next time let me show you around the area since there's many other things we could do to pass the time here

Asia: Alright, but I'll warn you that I'll most likely not have that much time on my hands to we better hurry things up a bit

Y/n: alright then, see you tomorrow asia

With that said I walked away from the abandoned church while Asia waved bye to me, once The Church was out of view, I suddenly stop as multiple flashes with multiple different girls in... 'interesting' outfits face the white haired man, 10 of the girls were only seen once while 4 of them were seen in lots of the flashes I'm seeing, but the one girl that caught my attention for some reason had a strange obsession for the white haired man

Once the flashes were over, I blinked a couple of times then look around in confusion wondering why that happened now, thinking it was just something that I shouldn't be bothered about, I kept walking back to kuoh


Right now I was in the club room facing Rias while koneko and kiba are either eating sweets or sharping there sword

Rias: you must never go near that church again y/n

Y/n: why? I've been living my whole life in a church so why would I stop now

Rias: that one's different, since for devils like us, the church is enemy territory and usually whoever's in them are either angels, fallen angels, exorcists, or nuns who clearly don't want us there, and just setting foot into one will make major problems for both devils and angels, surly something was telling you that it was bad news

Y/n: well not really, all I got was some flashes after I left the abandoned church

Rias: really? Well that's strange, anyway being near someone from the church is a very risky thing that you shouldn't ever do, also, what's even more dangerous is some of the exorcist in the church uses sacred gears, and are clearly much more experienced using it then you, in other words they can really hurt you once they spot you

Y/n: and I should be scared why? Since if any of there sacred gears are like kiba's then I'm pretty sure my own will help me take care of them with only a bit of difficulty

Rias: you clearly don't understand y/n, since unlike the fallen angel that killed you, exorcists will make it so that you won't be going to heaven or hell, you'll have absolutely no afterlife once your killed by one of them and your chances of living again is less then zero, do you understand?

Y/n:... *sigh* yeah, I got it

Rias: good, anyway I'm sorry for that but I just want you to be careful is all

Y/n: I know Rias

Before I could go and leave her be, I felt two large soft things being pushed against my back which made me tense up as akeno lays her head on my shoulder

Akeno: well hello there y/n, you've certainly gotten done with those fliers faster then I thought you would

Rias: you're still here akeno? I thought you gone home for the day

Akeno: well I would have, but we've just receive a message from the arch duke

Rias: the arch duke?

Akeno: it was urgent, a stray devil who's gotten there hands on a powerful weapon that they don't recognize is causing trouble nearby

Rias: really, well then everyone, get ready cause we have some pest to take care of

Meanwhile with Asia

Asia: so who's the patient anyway miss raynare

I say while going down a secret passageway that lead underneath the church while following miss raynare

Raynare: to be honest, we have no idea

Asia: nothing at all? Didn't they have something that told you there name, age, anything?

Raynare: no, all we found was her unconscious body and that's it

Asia: well that's strange, since they have to have brought something with them that told us there identity

After a couple of hours of walking down, we finally stopped at a door that led to a room which raynare grabbed the handle to then look towards me

Raynare: just so you know, we tried everything to wake her up but everything didn't even make her twitch, Nevermind wake her up, so I hope you can do it since I need her for something

Asia: well, I don't know if I can since I've never treated a coma patient before, but I'll try my best

Raynare: you better, or else you wouldn't like what happens to you later

With that said she open the door to reveal to me a single bed in the back of the room that has blankets covering a woman who has her long white hair done in a long braid that was kept in blade by a single blade, and has her left eye closed while her right eye was heavily covered in bandages

(So what do you think? Good? Bad? Tell me in the comments)

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