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G was tall with a round face and long thick brown and black curly hair. She wore glasses and hated school. She was 17
Nat was short and small with short black straight hair and an addiction to music. She was also 17

Carla, Jade and Cayla sat in the back of the car waiting for G to come out of detention. They passed around a cigarette when Jade interrupted the silence. "I'm not saying I have a thing for girls.. but I would totally bang Nat.." everyone's eyes rose quickly to look across the parking to see who Jade was talking about. Nat walked out the door of the school and looked left and right before crossing the road. Her black hair was blowing in the wind. She wore black skinny jeans a lace white crop top and white sneakers. Her body was gorgeous. She had thick thighs, curvy hips and an amazing breasts. Not too much but just right.
The girls nodded their heads in silent agreement and a few minutes later G walked out too.
As she got to the car she too didn't miss the sway of Nat's hips as she walked to the bus stop. And if G was honest then she wouldn't be so afraid to admit she kinda had a thing for Nat and her pretty smile. When they were all piled into the car Carla spoke up. "G.. Isn't Nat in the same math class as you. Why don't you invite her for a swim". G almost agreed but stopped herself quickly "she wouldn't come.. It's Nat we're talking about". Jade decided to take matters into her own hands.
She stopped a few spaces from the bus stop and hoped out of the car. "Hey Nat." She had to pull her earphones out to hear Jade repeat her greeting. She didn't answer but Jade continued " You wanna come for a swim with us at Cayla's house. We have weed"
Nat couldn't say no to weed. She checked the time and put her phone in her back pocket "I suppose a few hours wouldn't hurt right?". Jade smiled, took her hand and walked her to the car, then she opened the back door and let her get in. The drive was silent but not awkward .

When they arrived at Cayla's house the girls hurried to get into their swim wear and into the pool. "where's Nat? " asked G . "Carla is getting her something to wear" said Jade.
When they walked out the door three jaws dropped Nat stood at the door way in a blue bikini her gorgeous legs on show. G had to force herself to look away. "If she was into girls I'd totally take her" said Jade in a whisper.
After the swim and all the weed the group found out they had a lot in common with Nat.
She was smart and sweet and had a good sense of humor. She liked music and weed and that was good enough for them. And in less then two weeks the five of them grew extremely close.

Hi its me the author.💕 I hope whoever reads this  book will enjoy it..please don't forget to vote and comment.
Also if there's anything you'd like added just let me know. I love interacting with you all. I'm just a keyboard away. 😗🔥👌💖🌻

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