Suspicsions and fights

Start from the beginning

"At the wine factory? What did he work?"

"He used to work in finance, and he must have seen her there, and he didn't tell me that he got married until a few months later."

"And her father stopped working at the factory?"

Liam nodded, "He left when Cheryl married Larry."

Toni sighed. "I don't understand how she could manipulate him into marrying her."

"No one knows anything. I only saw her once before I saw her at the funeral."

Toni jerked her head up to the lawyer. "What?"

"The first time I saw her was when I had to pass by the mansion and give him papers, I saw her outside, she barely said a word when I talked to her. So that's why I can't help you with that."

"Wait, hold up. My uncle was married for eight years, and you never saw her with him?"

"She didn't go out with him a lot. And on the day Larry died, I passed by to tell her that I will be taking care of the funeral but they told me that she isn't at home. So the next day I went and introduced myself to her. It was the first time I ever talked to her. But what's weird she never knew about you."

Toni scoffed, "She never knew about me and I never knew about her."


Veronica entered Cheryl's  room to find her staring out the window. "Good, your up."

"Who said I'm up?" Cheryl said softly. "I'm still asleep,"

"Good to know, so that I won't raise my voice." She joked as they both giggled. "What's the wrong Cher?"

The redhead sighed. "I'm scared."

"Scared of what sweety?"

"After tomorrow is Saturday,"

"So?" Veronica asked in confusion.

"They will open the will." She stated simply.

"Are you afraid that Larry canceled the contract of the house?"

"No, you of all people know that I want to sell the house."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"I'm scared that he hadn't left the financial bonds."

"Where would they be? I'm sure it's in the will. We searched the house for them."

"Are you sure you searched his room?"

Veronica nodded, "I haven't left an inch of the room and I didn't find anything."

"Did you look in his clothes? Pockets?"

"If you want we can go together and search."

"No," Cheryl stated firmly. "I will not enter his room. Leave it be, we will find them." She said with a sigh. "He promised to leave them."

"I'm sure they are in the will."


Liam sighed. "I have to ask again, Larry never told you he married?"

"Not him nor my aunts."

Liam shook his head. "It's weird, most of the people he knew were informed that he was married and none of them have seen her,"

"What do you mean?"

"You know that Larry never had guests over, and when he did he used to take them out for dinner,"

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