Its sad, and people looking in from the outside find it really strange, unhealthy even. Maybe it is, maybe I'm just blind to it, but it's the way we've always done it, right from the start. Heck, ive needed the space a few times he's left, i just wish he would let me in on why he leaves. I felt him wrap his arms around me, he put his face in the crook of my neck, leaving a trail of kisses to my cheek before kissing me on the lips. I turned around and hugged him back. 

  We held onto the hug for some time before he let go. “Bye gumwad, have fun taking care of the guards” he said floating to the bed. I jumped on his back making us fall on the bed laughing. “Don't call me gumwad you michael jackson knock-off” ( get it, because he's pale and does music stuff HahA)(wait, no, HehE)

 I got up and grabbed his hand, leading him down the stairs, all the way to the front door, I let go, I bit my lip, letting my eyes trail to his lips. I felt myself blush, I looked him in his eyes and before he could tease me I kissed him, letting my lips linger there just a moment before parting, “bye, marshall. I'll be back before lunch.” I say before walking away with peppermint butler. 


Marshal pov bc fak you


I watched as gumball left, feeling the sadness return, the same sadness that lies dormant when he's around. I went back to the living room and pulled out all my stuff again, looking down at the notes , then looking at the lyrics. I then pulled out a folded piece of paper that gumball  had given me a few days after the last time I ran . Looking down at the paper i read it to myself. 


“Dearest marshall,

I love you, and every day we spend together just gets me more excited for our future. Wherever that may lie, it's hard to believe and much easier to hope that we do have that future, you know the one we always talked about.  Even if our future doesn't play out how we hope, no matter what happens, im here, and im not leaving. Even if you have to leave again i'll wait for you, we both know how difficult these things are, And im willing to take the time and effort to put into us so we could be happy. Your always talking about flowers and what they represent. So let me help you plant that garden, and make the path. We could walk it together, whenever your ready. 

         Love gumball”

I sigh, knowing that i can't, knowing the mistakes ive made. I know I can't stall it anymore, I know the consequences of my actions and wont make that mistake again, and now I know the consequences of starting something i'm unable to finish. I absolutely won't do it again.  

I leave my thoughts and go back to my music, I wrote a song about it. I have everything figured out. I'm gonna make a recording of the song, and leave a note I wrote with it. I know he deserves something better, i just can't look him in the face and say what I have to say. I set up the tape recorder and grabbed my guitar and started playing.

I finished up and put the note on the tape. I look down and see tiny puddles of liquid on the ground, I realise that im crying.  The tears stream down my face, I can't stop them, there's no use in trying to. I sit down and pull a picture off the table, it's one of us at my house gardening. That day he planted a few different flowers, dark red carnations, sunflowers and orchids. The seeds never grew but we still had fun. 

The seeds couldn't grow, no matter the green thumb. The only things that can grow there are weeds and chrysthanthemums. I take the picture out of its frame, fold it up, and put it in my pocket. I look around our little house one last time before flying off, hopefully i can come back, as someone who won't hurt him again. Although I have little faith in the idea, if I come back chances are ill run again, i cant keep hurting gumball like this. 

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