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"Gather round kids and I'll tell you the story of the gods," the woman said to her children with a smile on. Her kids were ecstatic. They'd heard he story many times, but as they had grown older they'd unlocked more chapters to the story. Today where they 10th birthday and they'd unlocked the final chapter of the story. "Now let's not waste our time dear children," she said and smiled once more. "At the start, there was only darkness"

The void was in the start the only creature in this abyss. When the void became lonely, and he created two beings. Two brothers and a world for them to play with. The oldest brother Extima was gifted with the godly status of life. His younger brother Xisuma was gifted with the status of death
For a while, it was only the brothers, but as they grew lonely in the world, they together created their own beings. Humans. This was their greatest achievement yet. Soon the humans thrived in their little world but they needed help managing it. So the void created all the other gods to help the brothers and some were recruited along the way.

As more gods became part of world Extima felt as if his brother had abandoned him, for the others because they didn't make anything together anymore. Xisuma had been with the other gods, more than him, and they had spent eons as brothers. But just like that Xisuma had thrown him out for the other gods. Extima became furious and lonely. He wanted to hurt Xisuma and that was his intention. Extima ended up going through with it. It was a hard fought battle but in the end Xisuma won. When victory was secured Xisuma knew he couldn't keep Extima in the world like this. So he hid Extima in a cage under the bedrock so no one would find him.

Extima was trapped in there for 10000 years. In those years the gods had forgotten about him and they'd replaced him. Extima had not forgotten. He had only just begun, because now he was done sitting in a cage rotting for the rest of his days.

Some things refuse to stay buried [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now