-Chapter 2-

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tino knew very well that his family was scary,his mother especially. She walked as though she owned the place and own the place she did. Her name was Isabella Azzaro; a powerful woman with a decently muscular build standing at 5'11", auburn locks framing her face falling just past her shoulders. Sharp molten yellow eyes that were trained to precision and lips that were held in a frown or a straight line. She always held an aura that said ' don't fuck with me or i'll snap your neck with one hand'.

It made younger tino watch in awe as everyone would quiver in his mother's presence,quicky turning submissive if Isabella walked into the room.

Most of the time when the leadership of the gang is given up it's handed to the next man but as isabella was an only child she was chosen as a temporary replacement and when it turned out better than tino's grandfather's ,Isabella was given full leadership and ran the mafia group with an iron hand, making trades even better and farther.

Now his sister Mia was an even more of an oddball, mischievous, cunning and a resting bitch face that looked like a duplicate of her mother but with blonde tinted auburn hair that was held up by a loose pony tail.Even though she was younger than tino by 3 years she was still scary, swearing like no tomorrow, cursing at the smallest things and VERY easy to anger. Tino remembers when she was five she got angry at him for eating one of the biscuits their mother had gotten for her. Even at her young age she had a very creative language, screaming about how much of a bastard tino was for even thinking of eating her biscuits.

Mia had picked up one of her toy swords and chased tino around the Azzaro manor with it for about an hour and a half, they only stopped because their mother had enough and threatened them to shut up otherwise she'd make both of them sleep outside with the guard dogs. Needless to say the siblings called a truce in order to stay safe from their mother's annoyed wrath.

Now their father? They honestly don't know how such a mellow and peaceful man decided to stay in the mafia business. He was a kind man with light blonde hair , porcelain skin,with light freckles dotting his face and stood at 5'5". Quite short for a man but he didn't seem to mind. He was from a smaller town in italy , when he went to visit venice when he got involved with the mafia there and became the beloved jewel of Isabella Azzaro. Although there were a lot of controversy and fights with other gangs as they took isabella's was left slightly unguarded due to her new infatuation with Luciano von Hars.


so more backstory, stonk mama and smol papa, i love those and angry lil chickpea gonna start on the actual story tomorrow : D

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