Bucket of Fears

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Each person had a fear. Each fear was represented through out the building. A fear of heights. A fear of falling. A fear of ravens.  A fear of blood. A fear of negative exposure. Fears of snakes. A fear of helplessness. With the extreme side affects of "Devil's Breath," Visiual and auditory illusions were created to drive the poor bullies overboard. Each bully survived the night,  but not without mental scaring. Kiara woke up the guest the next morning with breakfast. RayRay returned to get his friends and help clean up.

Kiara: You all had quite a night, huh?

Princeton: You!! You tortured me!!

Kiara: No. I went home after the party.

Princeton: Where's Ryan!? She did this?

Ryan popped up from behind the bar. She screamed. Britain woke up screaming!

Kiara: Maybe high school came back to bit you on the ass.

Roc: Look, I'm sorry! I'm soooo sorry. That party last night was a nightmare.

Kiara: How do you think I felt every day of high school? Bruises! Cuts! Mental Scares!

Britain: You brought us here for this bull shit!?

Ryan: Like you're going to do anything. This party was my idea anyways

Bia: I knew it! You're jealous!

Kiara: Jealous? Of what?

Bia: Because I got her man.

Ryan: You can have him. I have my eyes on the money. But even when we aren't together, he still hits my line up.

Bia: It doesn't matter. He's with me now.

Kiara: Ryan, chill out! Look, we're here to clear the air. I'm no longer that pitiful shy girl. I'm a grown woman. I stand on my own two feet and must of you still have your parents or mangers as Chauffeurs and maids.

Ryan: Exactly. We manage each other and we aren't even that deep in the game. But we have our hands on the asscrack of this industry. Its not a pleasant smell, but the site is beautiful!

Kiara: What? That's not the point, Ryan!

Princeton: Then, what exactly is your point?

Kiara: Well, princess, I'm glad you asked! Ryan has a studio. Siya is well known in the industry and together, all of us can get our foot in the door of this music industry.

Roc: Without managers? Without contracts?!

Ryan: No. Without boundaries! This is a new start that we all need.

Britain: But I'm trying to be an actress! Not a singer.

Kiara: We have that covered. We make the videos, you can star in them, and you will be noticed.

Ryan: But that's only the beginning! There's more chances and opportunity coming our way!

Kiara: But we all have to work together. Can we at least do that?

They all looked around at each other with unsure looks. RayRay stood up.

RayRay: I'm in. I'm willing to take this risk.

Ryan smiled. Kiara was happy someone else was on board. Slowly but surely, everyone put there's hands in. Every was scared, but they were together on something.

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