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Halloween Before the Party

Kiara was looking at her costume. She was staring at it nervously.

Kiara: Are you sure that it will be OK?

Ryan: Yeah! We're going to look sexy tonight. OK? Never doubt.

Mack walked into the living room.

Mack: Umm, baby? What's all this?

Ryan: Stuff for the party! I washed your BatMan costume already.

Mack looked over at Ryan and sighed.

Ryan: What?

Mack: Can we talk please? In the bedroom.

Kiara glanced at Ryan. Ryan glanced back. Mack was growing impatient. Ryan smiled at Kiara.

Ryan: We'll be right back.

Kiara: KK.

Ryan and Mack went to their bedroom. Mack closed the door behind them.

Mack: When did you start planning this?

Ryan: Yesterday. I told you.

Mack: No, you didn't!

Ryan:*weakly* Surprise.

Mack: Ryan, you act like a child. You should have told me.

Ryan: Why are you so tense?

Mack: How many people are going to be at the party?

Ryan: 15 to 30.

Mack: 30!? What were you thinking?!

Ryan: I thought you would be ok with this.

Mack: Does it look like I'm ok with this?

Ryan was reluctant to answer. She started to ring her hands together. "I'm sorry. "

Mack: It's too late for sorry. I had bought us Halloween movies to watch and candy. I even went to that place 100 miles from here to get that special popcorn you like!!

Ryan: We can cancel the party! It's not too late.

Mack: No! We're going to have the party and you're going to host it. Alone.

He started to walk towards the door. She grabbed his arm and she snatched away.

Mack: Who is going to be here?

Ryan: People that I hate

Mack: *yelling* Why?

He took a deep breath. Mack pulled out his phone.

Mack: Hey Bia...*laughs* Well we're not right now, but she's here...She's having a party tonight for Halloween. Wanna come?... Wear some sexy alright?...Bye.

Ryan: I know you didn't invite that slut here!! Why did you tell her were not together?

Mack: Becauae I'm tired of these childish games you play!

Ryan: Childish?! I have been on my game since Day One! That has been a long ass time dealing with yo ass! I have the right to a break sometimes!

Mack: Whatever, Ryan. I'm not going to be your BatMan this year.

He walked out. Ryan shrugged and went downstairs with Kiara. Mack slammed the door and left.

Kiara: What's his problem?

Ryan: Don't worry. He'll be back tonight. Let's go get the food and stuff.

Did You Miss Me, Mr. Baller? (Mindless Behavior Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now