chapter e l e v e n

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"I can feel your heart pumping." She whispered,her voice raining across my skin.

"You do that to me." I whispered back.

"I can't figure it out." Phoenix said out loud sounding like she was shocked.My eyes fluttered opening,looking at her from where I laid on her chest.She looked at me,cupping my cheek,trailing her hands over my eyes,nose,lips and cheeks.She even brushed her fingertips against my ears.Confusion was present on my face and shock was on her's.

"What can't you figure out?" I ask.

"Why I feel this way for you....I wanted you to close your eyes because I thought maybe the thing attracting me to you is your eyes,your heart,your breathing,your face,your talking,so I told you to close your eyes and I watched you.....But,even when you hold your breath,your heart pumping against me, your eyes closed,you not uttering a word and even when I'm not looking at you,I feel it." Phoenix said,sounding shocked and now I truly believe she was trying to kill me with her words.I wasn't breathing again,Phoenix...likes me? Can that be possible? Can that be right? Can an angel like a demon?

"What do you feel?" I asked,swallowing the lump in my throat.I needed clarification,reassurance that what she said was true,that was she said was real,that what she said meant better things were to come and I just needed her to tell me she wants me,so that I can fight for her the rest of her affection and the rest of her heart.

"I know it's not right for a sixteen year old to want to be with a twenty one year old,but Noah Denvers I have a feeling that everything I do with you will not be right,but what I'm starting feel for you feels right.People can talk all they want,but just five weeks you became my best friend, but you're not suppose to like it when your best friend gives you your first hickey,so you are more and I'm not sure what to call more." Phoenix said,her large mossy eyes looking darker than usual and she pushed away large strands of her golden brown locks from her neck to reveal the hickey I gave her last night,but I couldn't even focus on the hickey after what she just said.

She likes me and I like her. And I feel important because someone actually craves me just like I crave her.And I knew we weren't exactly ready to dive in to a relationship,but I didn't see why not when all that matters is that I care for her.Time was time,and I felt like time froze just as she tells me that she actually likes me.Now the new conflict inside of me was debating if I should make her mine right now or wait to make it special? Asking someone to be your girlfriend must be special right? And that's what Phoenix deserves.Every special thing in this world.

"Don't over think it.Let's just enjoy this right now." Phoenix spoke,smiling making her cherry red looking strawberry tasting lips look more tempting than yesterday,but I still had fear floating through me at the thought of kissing her.I didn't understand why I was so scared to kiss her,maybe just the thought of liking someone as much I like Phoenix scares me.However,I would listen to my angel and enjoy this moment.

The endless smiles and laughs began.I loved it when she would throw her head back,her eyes closed,her pearly whites shinning,her dress clung to her perfectly,her hair covered in sand as she sang music through my ears,not through words,but through a laugh.A laugh that left behind goosebumps on my skin.And what I loved even more was when her true innocence shone through her,we played tag. I thought it was awkward since there was only two of us,but it actually made it more fun.

"Catch me if you can." Phoenix teased,running in a circle.Laughing as her hair whipped around from the wind.I had to admit I was barley trying to catch her,I enjoyed watching as she looked over her shoulder,lips parted as her chest rose up and down with her golden locks flowing with the wind as her dress revealed all the curves of my angel.She is beautiful,very very very beautiful.

Phoenix began to slow down once she realized I was being slow,but right when i noticed her about to turn around,I sprinted to her,grabbing the back of her knees and picked her up bridal style.She felt weightless as I spinned her in circles,making her laugh hysterically that the tears of laughter fell down her face and I only watched with awe.Phoenix wrapped her arms around my neck,throwing her head back as her hair broke loose into the wind and I couldn't contain myself from walking closer to the ocean.I felt the water hitting me just below the knees and I dropped myself on to the ground with Phoenix in my lap,the tides instantly attracted to us and attacked us.Phoenix laughed as the tides hit against her back making her soaking wet,I made Phoenix straddle me and I held her hips tightly to prevent from the tides from moving her body away from me.I watched through my wet eyes lashes as she closed her eyes,laughing as she enjoyed the way the water felt against her skin.

"I live to see you like this baby." I said to Phoenix as a large wave showered us even more.Phoenix smiled at my words,leaned it to kiss my cheek while wrapping her arms around my neck,pressing our soaking wet bodies close to each other.She kept kissing my cheek and jaw,making me shudder with pleasure.

"Noah." Phoenix sighed against my neck.I closed my eyes as we sat there all day long,letting the tides crashing against us,we would even go in deeper to swim around.I would make sure she never went in to deep just in case,I also made sure she had her arms around my neck or that I at least was holding on to her because Phoenix is just so beautiful that even the tides would envy me enough to take my angel away from me.And I can't lose her now,not after realizing there's something worth fighting for,now knowing how she feels about me.

It was close to eleven pm when Phoenix and I decided to leave the beach.We were in the car,letting the warm air from the car,dry and heat up our cold wet bodies.She kept smiling at her lap making me smile as well,and when my hand was resting on my thigh,I was surprised to see Phoenix reaching over and locking our fingers together.And this truly marked the best day of my life.Even when I knew Phoenix wasn't coming home with me tonight because I was sadly letting her go back to her house,but I now had reassurance that she would return to me now that I know she likes me.

"Check the glove compartment,I have something in there for you." I said to Phoenix,with my eyes on the road following the directions she was telling me.Phoenix opened the glove compartment.I watched from the corner of my eye,as her eyes widen with shock as the brand new phone I bought for her a few days ago was in her hands.

"I know you don't have one and I want to have some way of contacting you.Don't worry I have everything paid for and all my phone numbers are in there,including Lucian's in case you can't reach me." I explained,smiling.I didn't understand why Phoenix didn't have a phone at her age,so I took matters in to my own hand and also if I planned on her going home I needed to contact her to reduce the lonely feelings I will feel without her.

"Thank you." She whispered,leaning over and pecking me on the jaw triggering the bombs in my chest.

"You're welcome baby." I whispered.

Once we returned back to the the center of the town,Phoenix directed me towards her home which was close to the school and the pier.The house we passed were huge,I had been in this neighbourhood probably only twice in my life,only to sell some boys some pack back in high school.Phoenix directed me towards a dead end and once we were outside this tall house with tall gates around them I parked.

It was to dark to make out the features of the house,I looked at the house as Phoenix was gathering herself to get out,but something from her behind the fence,on the front lawn captured my attention.It was a led sign,the ones that says messages on them,like the ones the churches use.And what the words said made my eyes widen with shock and it made me grab Phoenix's arm,in attempts to prevent her from leaving.

"You don't live here,do you?" I asked,looking between her and the sign.Phoenix gave me a half smile before nodding making my heart sink to my stomach.

"I am what you think I am." Phoenix said,leaning over to kiss my cheek before stepping out the car,up to the gates as they opened for her as she vanished from my sight, leaving me there looking at the white led sign.

"ML Orphanage Center : where a smile for the future occurs."

My head began to hurt from not blinking,not being able to look away from the sign.A sign that made my feelings change in a heartbeat.I looked down at my hands that began to run down my face,the feeling of confusion and exhaustion attacking me all at once.This had to be impossible,but it wasn't.Because Phoenix knew what I was thinking and she confirmed it.Phoenix,my angel,my godess,my an orphan.

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