"There's two options for you... you can leave your body to get rid of the baby naturally, so you'll have the cramps you're getting now but worse.. then you'll bleed, that's how your body gets rid.." she says and I gaze away, tears falling from my face.

"Or option two, we can medically remove it.. you'll probably have to be in over night and there's a few risks of that.." she types onto her laptop. "What do most choose?.." I whisper, still clutching the scan photo.

"Most go for natural" she says sadly, handing me a bit more water as she can see I'm still shaking. "Is there anybody I can phone to pick you up?" She asks and I shake my head. "I have my car.. I'll be okay" I sniffle, wiping my eyes. "How long will it take?" I ask. "Should be within the next week..".

"Thank you for seeing me at short notice" I say smiling slightly. "I'll send all of your notes from today, to your usual nurse and Dr, so they know what's happened in case you have any issues.." she smiles sadly. I go to stand but something stops me.

"Was it my fault?" I whisper, looking down to my fingers that are knotted together. "Of course not.. these things happen, sadly, there's no explanation for it, but you shouldn't ever blame yourself. It could be that the sac your baby was growing in wasn't a healthy one. No fault of yours I assure you" she reaches to take my hand, squeezing it to reassure me.

I soon leave and get into the car. Once I'm in my seat I burst into tears, resting my head on my arms over the steering wheel and letting it all out. I failed our baby.. nothing hurts me more.. nothings going to hurt Jamie more. I groan to myself and wipe my cheeks as more tears fall.

How the hell am I meant to tell him?! I take a deep breath and try coming up with something as I drive to my moms. I could go to him? See if Amelia will let me take Dulcie too.. she'd like that.. though I don't have any flights booked.. oh I don't know.

I wipe my eyes and grab my bag, heading inside. I hear my mom and grandma, Charlotte's soft giggle too. I smile weakly. I can't face them, but I have to. My phone goes off in my hand.

'Hey baby are you free? I've finished work xxx'

It's Jamie.. I'm not up for talking right now and this isn't something I want to tell him over a phone. I send a simple message back.

'I'm just with my grandma and mom, can we video call later or something? Xxxx'

I type a message to Amelia asking if I can have Dulcie to take to see Jamie for a few days, she says it's fine and to let her know when.

'Of course baby.. hope you're having fun xxxx'

My eyes fill up at his message but I ignore it and blink them away, heading into the kitchen to my mom and Tippi. "There you are... mommy's back" Tippi grins at Charlotte who grins back before looking to me. I smile and take her from Tippi, lifting her high above my head.

"Hello my baby, mommy missed you" I kiss her cheek several times and hold her close to me. She grins and curls up against my shoulder. "How did your appointment go?" My mom asks making me a coffee.

"Okay.. she gave me some pain killers to help" I smile a bit, rocking gently to rock Charlotte to sleep. "Well what is it?" Tippi asks. "Just a stomach bug she thinks.." I watch Charlotte as she falls off to sleep. "I'm going to put her in the car seat to sleep.." I wander off to the hall and bend down, carefully strapping her into the car carrier and letting her sleep.

"Mommy loves you so much" I stroke her cheek and she smiles a bit in her sleep, melting my heart. On my way back to the kitchen I hear my mom and grandma talking lowly. "There's more to it than she's telling us.. she looks so sad.." my mom sighs. "She's been crying, it's so easy to tell" Tippi says and my eyes fill up again.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now