"Anyways I'm almost there. Have your butler or maids let me in." With that, she hung up leaving me laughing on the phone.


Mellisa had come over and we had talked, I had managed to go the night without crying over Christian. In fact, I hadn't cried about him much, I just couldn't find myself too.

I wasn't sure if I was in denial or if I was just okay with the situation! I honestly have no idea.

Mellisa was pretty supportive. She wasn't immediately trying to figure out what had happened. She had rented a movie and we immediately just talked about casual things like school and other stuff.

I, of course, ended up exposing what had happened and why I had come back early.

"I'll kill him!" She had this look in her eye that said she wasn't completely playing. She's literally the best.

"It's alright. Christian and I weren't meant to be, honestly. It was a complicated relationship, to begin with. This is good. This happening is a good thing." I had said. She still had this look of pity on her face but she didn't question anything more.

It was around 10 when she left. I ended up just finishing my homework and cleaning up. That's when I heard him get in. I couldn't help but peek out my bedroom door, watching him as he undid his tie and walked into his bedroom. He looked a bit exhausted and I'm sure he had spent the rest of the weekend working... or being with Elisa.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, a weird itch. It was like I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I felt too broken and shocked to cry.

At the end of the day I love Christian, I want to be with him and if I could have it my way I would be. But he thought about going back to Elisa, he felt as if he still had feelings for her which is why he ended up going out with her. What would've happened if he had realized he had feelings still for her? Would he have ended it with me and went to her?

I couldn't stop thinking about that- how could he even do that to me? I would never ever do anything like that to him! I mean with Alexander it was different, I wasn't purposely trying to hurt Christian! I was trying to get over him and I had no intention of hurting him in the process and there isn't a day where I don't regret it all because I did hurt him!

But he did that to me, of course, he never planned on me knowing but he did it with the risk. He did it knowing that if he did end up having feelings for her still, he would've broken my heart. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if he did or didn't have feelings for her, the fact that he was willing to do that is enough to break my heart.


It was around 8 when my alarm went off signaling I had work. Despite hating Christian I still worked with him. I had made the commitment to work for him plus the money wasn't bad either. I wasn't going to stop just because we're done.

I had arrived at work a bit late due to very inconvenient traffic! Christian had luckily left before me so I was able to leave without seeing him, though I figured that'd change as soon as I got to work. I mean I am his assistant, literally, everything I do is for him when it comes to working!

I walked into the building, going to my desk and sitting my stuff down.

"You're late." I look up as Veronica approached my desk. Her hair was curled at her shoulders, she wore a dark purple pencil skirt and a silk button-up blacktop. She placed a few papers on my desk and sighed.

"Sorry traffic was bad." I murmur.

"Of course it was." She shakes her head muttering something under her breath. I couldn't understand what she was murmuring to herself but I had a feeling it was something mean towards me.

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