Chapter 14

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Troye's P.O.V

As I wake up, I see Zach and Tori still sleeping in her bed. I smiled at how cute they are, and went on to get ready. As i got out of bed, I noticed the dogs below me bed. I carefully stepped around them, and got my cloths and everything I needed. As I walked into the bathroom I got a glimpse of the time. 4:30 A.M. God I was up early. 

"Up already?" I heard Tucker say while yawning in his bed. There was no light, but I could tell where he was once my eyes adjusted to the lighting. 

"Yeah, you go ahead and go back to sleep. I'm just going to workout." I said heading towards the door.

I heard one dog go down the stairs and start walking towards me. I opened the door, and since the hallway light was on I could see Olivander. In my opinion he's the cutest one out of all of them. After I pet him and gave him my attention, I got back to what I was originally going to do. 

Zach's P.O.V. 

I woke up, well kind of jolted awake. I heard a click, and then I saw a slight flash. Once I opened up my eyes, everyone just stayed quiet. I then knew what they were doing. I laughed but then realized Tori was still sound asleep in my arms. 

"You two are so cute together!" Tanner said gushing at us. 

"Hush, don't wake her up!" I whisper screamed at them while looking at her face.

Her precious little face, was in my arms. I was holding the one thing I cared about the most in the world. Nothing else could ever replace this feeling of being with her. Her, I just want her. I now know what I must do, at least once she wakes up of course. 

As me and the her brothers joke around, I spot the clock flashing the time at us. It read, 7:00 A.M. That's pretty late for me to sleep into, at least in my opinion it is.  They also noticed, and decided it was time to wake up the still sleeping Tori in my arms. 

"Tori, wake up" Troye said slightly shaking her. "lightly touch her, she will hit the nearest thing as hard as she can to protect herself."

I nodded and watched them all do the same. She hasn't woke up, only moved around to get away from their touch. She would always try to stay close to me when she moved, keeping an arm around me at all times. 

"Vittoria, you have to go workout now!" Tai shouted making us all shocked. 

I heard her squeal and then shoot up. She looked around frantically and then settled down. When she shot up, she scooted away from me. She had a long ways to scoot to be by my side again. I didn't think she would do it, but I saw her notice the space and then move right next to me, placing her head on my shoulder. 

"You. Two. Are. So. ADORABLE" they all shouted at the same time, making Tori cover her ears from the loud noises.

"T-T-T-Thank you" she said, looking down at my hands that she's playing with. 

Feeling her touch made me feel electricity in my bones, and I knew she felt it too. Every time she would lift her finger and touch my hand again, she slightly jolted. My heart was exploding with joy, feeling like she was the only one I could ever love. 

"Are you two going to date or anything or just stay like this" Trey asked while the others smirked at me and Tori. 

I felt Tori hide her face in my hands, probably to hide her face.

"I mean, I want to date, but it's all up to her" I said, moving my hand so I could see her amazing face. 

She was blushing. Blushing! She was also smiling, not like a fake smile either. A genuine smile that could keep the world at peace. 

"Do you like the idea?" Troye asked Tori.

Tori nodded, while taking my hand to hide her face again. I could feel her smile, which made me smile as well. 

"ZACHIIIIIEEE" I heard a scream from downstairs.

"Oh my god. I broke up with her three years ago!" I said under my breath getting up. " I'll be back, crazy ex is here."

Before I left I looked at Tori, she wasn't smiling anymore. She looked really sad and looked at me. We got eye contact and I smiled, making her smile at me. As I head out of the door, and down the stairs, I saw my crazy ex. Paige. 

"OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH ZACHIE!" she squealed into my ear while trying to hug me.

"Don't touch me Paige" I said, making her name come out of my mouth with much disgust. 

"What's wrong? Is there another girl I need to hurt to get you back?" She asked, looking around. 

"No, you need to leave. I broke up with her three years ago Paige, what do you not understand?" I said sighing and rubbing my face. 

"We both know you miss me--" Her voice trailed off as she noticed Tori, and her brothers walking to be behind me. 

Tori came up first, she was shirtless. Every muscle in her body looked amazing, and Paige's face looked like one in disgust. I got offended, how could anyone not see how amazing she was? H er body is amazing, her muscles just add to her personality. 

"Who is she Zachie?" Paige asked in an attitude she knew I hated.

"This is Tori, and her brothers. Now leave, or I will call security again." I said, " And I will get a fine on you."

"Fine" Paige huffed, stomping. Before she left, she spat at Tori. 

I lost it at the point, I swung at her like there was no tomorrow. It was all a blur before anything went black, I think I passed out from adrenaline. All I remember is hitting her, and then seeing blood all over my knuckles. 

Tori's P.O.V.

When I saw her face, I knew she was in serious pain. She may have dealt some serious pain to Zach, but I have to make sure she's not dead. I don't feel bad, for whatever she did, she definitely deserved every punch he blew at her. Zach was passed out, while Paige was sobbing, holding her face. 

Apparently she didn't need my help, and ran out the door. Wow she seems mad, even though she was punched, I was going to help you wounds. 

"You got Zach?" Tai asked me, looking at Zach with worry.

I nodded, and I saw him and my brothers nod back. One by one they left, nodding at Zach's sleeping body in my arms. I carried him up the stairs and up to my room, and do mind you, thing boy ain't light AT ALL.

Once I got him to my bed, he started stirring. I guess he wast starting to wake up or something, but then he said something I could never forget. 

"I love you Vittoria" He said, in a broken Italian accent that came with my name. 

I leaned down and kissed his cheek, smiling afterwards. H e seems to be smiling to and I hugged him. This man is going to be the death of me I swear, the way he treats me is like no one has ever treated me before. He is so nice, and his smile is the cutest thing ever. 

"Stay. Please" Zach said, while I started to walk away. 

I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. I stood beside him, and played with his hair. I started humming without noticing, and Zach started to smile at me with his eyes closed. I started giggling and poked his nose making his chuckle. 

"How long was I out?" he asked opening his sea green eyes. 

I held up 3 and made a 0 with my hand to indicate 30 minutes. He groaned, and put his arms around my waist. I flustered and then started giggling at his simple action. He pulled me on top of him, making my face go into his chest.

"That's better" he said with a chuckle. After that I don't remember, I was probably too comfortable to know what was going on. All I knew was I fell asleep on top of the love of my life, Zachariyah. 

Adopted by the gang leaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon