Chapter 7

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That's me up too XD yes a filter because I'm a ugly bean have fun reading guys!!!!

Once I woke up, I notice all the boys were cuddling me. Troye was still fast asleep, I had the urge to go workout.

Once I started to move, the boys woke up and looked around. It was dark but I had a lamp beside me. I turned it on and Romeo moved from my legs to my chest, since I was still laying down.

I let Romeo lay there for a few minutes before starting to move again. He moved off and jumped off the bed, and the other followed his actions. Once they were all of my bed, I started to get my cloths and go to my bathroom.

Once I was done doing my business and things, I went down the the kitchen and got some paper. I heard someone clicking on the keyboard not far away.

I followed the noise and found my new father. He was doing paper work I'm guessing, I knocked to tell him I was there. He looked around startled and saw me.

"Oh hey Tori, what do you need?" He asked nicely.

I wrote down on a piece of paper, 'can I workout please?'. He nodded and got up, probably to show me where to go.

When I got there, there was loads of equipment I could use. As he left I got onto the treadmill.

I did thirty minutes on it, and started to go towards the weights. As I was waking I saw someone by the door. As I looked it was walking away.

The person didn't seem familiar, so I followed it. It led me to stairs leading down, I hear someone crying down there.

"Are you ready?" I heard a husky voice say
"Yes sir. May I ask sir, have you heard of the new girl? Her name is tori." He replied.
"Yes, actually I've had eyes on her. Don't get attached to her, remember last time?" Was his reply.

What the heck happened last time, and why is he watching me? Does my so called father know about this? Oh crap I need to scramble. As I run out I hear shouting, and I heard a buzzing before all went black. All I remember is someone saying 'why did you do that to her?!' And it was dead silent after that.

Adopted by the gang leaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang