fourty- fuck it up

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The end has come

One year later, JAHSEH POV

Stokeley pulled out of me and nutted on my stomach . He grabbed a towel and cleaned us both off before he laid down on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you cry, but tonight I'm changing," he pulled me into a hug.

" Stokeley I don't want you to keep hurting me, I used to want  to be with you and I wanted it to be me and you and our family, " I confessed .

"I promise baby no more, please don't take your love away. Or ivy ," he begged me.

"I don't believe that you'll change, because its always some drama every time I take you back. Outside my misery I think I'll find a way of envisioning a better life for the rest of us," I admitted.

" What do you mean? " he asked me.

"I'm leaving you Stokeley," I admitted.

"No," he started to cry.

" it's going to hurt I know, but our love is toxic. And through everything we have been more frenemies rather than lovers. I don't want to be the bad guy. But this is what I'm doing for the sake of my sanity and for my happiness. Because I've found my happiness recently, " I admitted.

"I just got back from tour babe you said we would talk about us, that we would try and fix what's wrong" Stokeley argued.

"That was before You began to spiral and do worse things than before," I expressed .


"You missed the birth of you and Kayla daughter because you were in a hotel with Geneva. You missed our anniversary because you were high off acid with Geneva. You missed Ivys first birthday because you were in ohio, with Geneva. So I think the reality of this is, Geneva is your love. And while you found your love, I've found mine." I let him know.

"You found someone," he frowned .

I nodded my head slowly, "I found Jenesis," I confessed, "I told her that I wouldn't do anything romantically or otherwise until things with you were officially over. But you cheated again. Geneva is pregnant by you. Jenesis is pregnant by me. It's a boy, and I'm leaving you so I can have a chance at a real family. One that's not broken or toxic. I found my forever, now it's time youve come to the realization that maybe Geneva is yours." By now I was dressed. And ready to leave.

"You cheated on me." He frowned.

"As many times as you've done it to me, be thankful this is the first time." I chuckled.

He shook his head.

I grabbed my keys and phone off of the hotel room bedside table. "I guess this is goodbye."

" N-no, " he mumbled.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way, I love you Stokeley. Goodbye." I kissed his cheek and then left the room.

When I reached my house, and walked inside I was met with ivy and jenesis playing dress up and ivy was putting makeup on Jens stomach. "Hey my sweet girls." I smiled at them .

Jenesis smiled at me, "howd it go?" She asked.

" it's me and you and our family now, " I told her.

"I love you," she kissed my cheek.

"Mommy!" My two year old daughter ran to Jenesis legs and Jen picked her up.

" Yes sweetie? " Jen asked her.

"I love you."

The end

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