four- what the fuck

658 53 27

-don't get fucked up-

Jahseh Onfroy

I paced in front of my front door while Stokeley was on The phone with our manager. He's back. He's back. He's back.

"Jah.." Stokeley grabbed my hand. I looked up at him.

"What's his name," he asked me.

"I don't even know what he looks like," I mumbled. "Or anything else about him." I shook my head. "He used to send me gifts and each gift had that song. And there one time, he was at my house. Outside my window, he would play the song. He would whistle. He said whistling was a peaceful sign of his love. Well that's what the notes would say. He was watching me. I thought he was gone."

"Like a stalker?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I mumbled and crossed my arms as I sat down on my couch.

"You're coming to live with me," He told me.

"No ca-"

"I didn't ask you, I'm not going to let you live alone knowing that aren't safe," he told me. "If something happened to you that would kill me baby." He sat down next to me.

"Stokeley What If something happened to you?" I questioned.

"Then at least I'd know I died protecting the love of my life," he looked me in the eyes.

A/n: *sighs in mbn*

My eyes teared up, "and what about Taylor or the b-baby," I choked up.

"I'll handle it, I'll find somewhere for them to stay with extra security and I-"

"Stokeley it's not your problem to solve," I told him.

"You're with me, so yes, baby, yes it is, we're in this together. I love you so yes, I'm staying, even through the crazy," Stokeley explained.

I nodded my head and sighed as tears streamed down my face. "Go pack everything you need. And I mean everything cause you aren't coming back," he told me.

"Okay," I nodded my head and stood up, walking down the hallway to my bedroom. I started to get a feeling in my chest. A feeling of anxiousness.

Like that feeling that something bad is coming and the suspense kills you and makes it worse. That feeling I had so much when I was living with my dad in Florida.

I opened my bedroom door and walked in slowly when I started getting the feeling that someone was watching me. I left my bedroom door open and walked in, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I walked into my walk in closet and grabbed a suitcase that was in the corner.

I heard my bedroom door close due to the creaking noise it makes.

"Stokeley?" I asked as I started walking back out. Maybe he decided he wanted to help.

I looked around my room, and the door was now closed but no one was on here. Or so I thought. I looked at my bathroom, the door was open and the light was on. I don't even remember turning that on.

I walked into the bathroom and was about to turn to the light off when someone caught my attention. Who the hell.

"Jahseh," I heard the figure say. "God you're so beautiful."

"W-What who are you?" I gripped the door.

"We loves each other once. Remember in high school." He asked.

"I was homeschooled." I stated.

"You has to come in once a week to meet with the guidance councilor," he stated.

"You always wore that same black revenge hoodie, you were and still are so very beautiful," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You, you have to come with me, then we will be happy," he said.

"No," I said.

I reached into my pocket to grab my phone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," He said.

"Come with me, now."

"No," I said again.

He reached into his hoodie and pulled out a knife, "Lets go, before you make me hurt you."

"Stokeley!" I screamed and tried to run out the door. I barely made it out the bathroom before he grabbed my hands and pinned me to the floor.

"What did I say?" He asked. I couldn't see his face cause he was wearing and mask. His lips were even showing, just space at his nose and eyes.

Now that doesn't even make sense.

I heard Stokeley pounding on my door as he tried to get in, seconds later it flew open. The figure above me jumped up and then ran over to my room window and jumped out.

"Who was it?" Stokeley asked as he came to my side as I sat up. "Are you okay did he hurt you?" Stokeley started checking my body for any bruises.

"No I'm fine, I'm fine," I told him as I pushed his hands away. Although my voice betrayed me as it cracked and tears filled my eyes.

"I don't like feeling like this, I feel weak," I started cry.

"Baby you are anything but weak. Look at what you've been through and youre still standing," he told me. "You're strong baby and we are gonna catch that bastard and when we do, I'm going to kill him."

"No. Don't do that," I told him. "I need you here not in jail."

"I'm here baby," he brought me into his arms. "Come lets get you packed and out of here."

He helped me off the floor and then we went into my closet, he filled one suitcase with some things and then we left my condo.

While we were in the car, Stokeley was on the phone with someone.

"Okay but heres the thing nigga, Ian ask you all that I told you what to do now get it done or that's ya job son," he half yelled into the phone causing me to slightly flinch since I was still on edge.

"I'm sorry," he told me and then went back to his conversation, " I don't care if it's short notice. The label and your mom can kiss me ass, do it and then take the week off," he said.

I wonder who's momma he's talking about.

"Nigga get it done by the time I get home or you're fired," Stokeley said and then hung up His phone. He looked at me, "it's gone be okay."

I nodded my head and then looked out the window. What has become of my life?

Who is his stalker?

Typed- on April 21, 2019

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