The Royal Library and Enno (Preview)

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Chapter 5

The pressure was immense as the magic surge through his body, pulsating through every fiber of his being until finally massing at his right hand.

"Holy crap! Now I remember where I have heard of this magic before; it was the magic that Gildarts used!", Romeo's mind raged, "Is this what he felt whenever he cast it?!"

Suddenly, a word flash into Romeo's mind, a spell it seemed.

Tsunami Crush

Driven by instinct Romeo slams his right fist into the concrete floor, releasing all of the pent up magic upon doing so and soon the resemblance of a large blue magic circle appears underneath him. Without warning, high-pressure water began to surge upward from the circle, shooting narrow intense streams hundreds of feet into the air at first and surrounding Romeo. Before Lindsay could figure out what was going on, countless more streams come shooting up and formed a unified wall of water that cut her off from her childhood friend.

"Romeo!", she screams out, "Romeo, are you okay?!"

Meanwhile, Romeo himself was experiencing first hand what being inside of a reverse waterfall would feel like as he observes all of the water surging upward around him while leaving the small area he was standing in completely untouched.

Luckily, this pillar of water was in the center of the arena and wasn't in any danger of hitting the top of the arena barrier; mostly due in fact to that in the past the magic officials of the capital realize that making a box barrier around a duel arena cut off the air inside of the barrier which became apparent whenever a powerful fire mage fought within it while also limiting mages whose attack spells came down from the sky such as lightning mages and wind mages. So to avoid this, they simply left the top uncovered while the sides stretch up hundreds of feet in the air.

On a side note, the park is an official no-fly zone.

"This is amazing", he whispers as he turns his eyes skyward to watch the water break apart as it got to the top of the column and fell back down to earth in a rain-like manner. The sight captures his attention up until the spell dispels a few moments later and the water merely fell back down in a huge drop, drenching the boy to the bone.

"Well", Romeo says after a moment while wiping the water off of his face, "I'm no Juvia."

"You don't say!", he hears and turns his attention to the direction of the voice where he sees a similarly soaked Lindsay standing there glaring at him, her wet hair covering up every part of her face but her eyes.

"Now, Lindsay, let's take a deep breath and calm down", Romeo practically beg as he slowly back away from the now approaching Ash-Make mage.

"No! I will not calm down! First, you teleport me to Crocus and now you soaked my favorite outfit!", she screeches as she got ever closer and pretty soon Romeo found himself nearing the edge of the duel arena.

"You kinda wear the same clothes every day", Romeo stupidly points out.

"Wrong answer!", Lindsay screams as she was now in Romeo's face, her hands latching onto the top of his vest around his neck while the boy was frantically waving his hands in an attempt to pacify her but it was at that moment that another spell appears in his head.

Might of Atlantis

From both of the boy's waving hands, a large moon-crescent shape wave shoots out on either side of the kids, streaking to the ends of the dueling arena while the very bottom edges of the attack touch the arena floor and left deep trenches in solid rock. They then struck the protective rune barriers around the arena with such force that the runes became visible to the human eye as they briefly struggle to hold back the spells from getting by them. Eventually, the spells dispel and the runes disappear but the two teenagers were now standing in front of each other with a shock expression on their faces and not a word passing between the two of them.

Soon enough though both of them turn their attention to Romeo's hands which were now covered in a blanket of water that shaped itself around his palm and fingers.

"How about you just hold your hands together until the spell deactivate?", Lindsay suggests after a moment as she lets him go and Romeo slowly claps his hands and laces his fingers together.

"Probably for the best", he says and the two teenagers quietly made their way off the arena while trying their best not to pay any attention to the sizable crowd that had gathered around it.

"Hey, kids! That was pretty cool; would you like to join a magic guild?", an obtuse man asks Romeo.

"I'm already part of a guild", he mutters softly as he moves past the man.

"How about you quit your guild and come join ours?", a skinny woman asks.

"No, thank you", he replies and he and Lindsay sidestep her and the duo found themselves getting bombarded with several more requests and offers from all direction as they made their way out of the park. It took the roving city guard patrols to intervene to maintain order and allow the two kids to get away from the mob.

Minutes later, the two of them were in a nearby secluded alley, using magical flames emitting from Romeo's now regular hands to dry off.

"Well, that was something", Lindsay states as she wrings the water out of the edges of her skirt and then putting it near the fire, "I could have done without the getting drench part though."

"Oh, I'm sorry", Romeo mocked, "Next time, I'll pick a magic that doesn't involve water. Oh wait, I can't guarantee that because I'm using a type of magic that chooses everything at freaking random!", he snaps.

An ash-encase fist collides into the wall behind him on his right side, leaving a small indention in the process and Romeo finds himself soaking his just-got-dried clothes once again, only this time with his sweat instead of water, as Lindsay glares into his eyes and the boy's fire dispels due to him no longer being able to focus his attention on it.

"What was that?", she growls.

"I'm totally at fault for what happened to your clothes and I apologize with all my heart", Romeo blurts out.

"That's what I thought you said", Lindsay says as she retracts her fist, "Now start those flames back up, I'm still soaked here."

Small oranges flame erupt once more from Romeo's still trembling hands and the duo go back to drying themselves off though at one point the boy was forced to wrap his scarf around his eyes so Lindsay could dry off her unmentionables, though Romeo couldn't resist making a comment that it shouldn't take long since they were so small which in turn soon cause a wall indention on his left side to appear, courtesy of Wakaba's only child.

Romeo: Wielder of the Chaos Wheel of MagicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ