Love is Chaotic (Fake Love Anyway)

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Just as Romeo is planning to use the Chaos Wheel again, he receives two solid punches to the back of his head. As he falls to the ground holding his head, he turns around to see Dory and Laki with looks of rage on their faces and fists clench ready to hit him again.

"STOP DESTROYING THE FOREST!", they both scream out at the same time, while the rest of the guild survey the damage caused by the solar tornado.

"What the hell just happen?", Jet asked, completely shocked by the destruction Romeo cause.

"I think Romeo just became the most powerful mage in the guild", Max answer causing everyone to look at him with their faces of bewildered.

"What?!", Macao screams, "Are you suggesting Romeo continue using this unpredictable magic?! That's way too dangerous?!"

"Are you kidding me?! Look at what he accomplishes in just his first two attempts at using it!", Max argue, "He send those Twilight jerks packing, granted he blew out a wall while doing it, with a lightning spell that I haven't seen the likes of since Laxus was here! And he summoned a fucking tornado that turned the forest to ash!"

"It is indeed powerful", Wakaba agrees while thinking about all the destruction Romeo has caused in just a day, "If he was able to harass it-."

"This is not up for debate!", Macao hollered as he turns to his son, "Romeo, I forbid you from using that magic ever again! It has cause nothing but pain and destruction! I'm telling you this as your guild master and as your father!"

Macao then turns to the rest of the shock guild...

"Now finish repairing the guild hall!", he ordered as he stomps away with Wakaba walking behind him trying to talk some sense into him.

"Jeez, what the hell is his problem?", Max wondered aloud.

"He doesn't want his only child wielding an unstable magic which he has almost no control over", Alzack answered, "Being a father myself, I can see where he coming from."

"Yeah but his parental instinct ain't going to help Fairy Tail out of the hole it's in", Max mumbled.

"Do I get a say in any of this?", Romeo asked causing everyone to turn back to him...

"I mean, I am the one using the magic, aren't I?"

Max looks at Romeo for a moment before finally scratching the back of his head and looking at the boy with a defeated expression, "Go home, Romeo. We still got work to do repairing the guild hall and you have had a rough day."

"Yeah you're right, I'll see you all tomorrow", Romeo agrees as he heads back toward the guild hall to gather his things.

Romeo' P.O.V.

"What's dad's problem?"I think to myself as I enter my house, "Sure this magic is unstable, but what good is it doing me or the guild if I don't practice with it."

I turn to look at the clock in the kitchen to see that it was almost seven.

"Dad won't be home until late tonight so it looks like I'm eating dinner alone...again", I think as I pull some food out of the refrigerator and began cooking, the whole time internally debating with myself whether or not I should just go ahead and use the Chaos Wheel.

Afterward, I'm up in my room reading up on the Rare and Legendary Magics that I snuck out of the guild hall while my dad was too busy arguing with Wakaba when I hear a knock at my window.

"Come on in, Lindsay", I call out without even looking up and the window opens up to reveal Wakaba only child, Lindsay Mine. Since our houses are so close to one another, she can literally come into my room through her bedroom window. Incredibly neither her parents or my dad have said anything about this, even though it starts to sound like a scene from a cliché manga or one of those anime they show on the lacrima. Anyway, she quickly makes herself at home next to me on my bed.

Romeo: Wielder of the Chaos Wheel of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now