Adventures In The Capital

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The full moon provided the greatest source of light for the quiet night as the two small figures walked along the brick road. The street lights were in need of repairs, so only a select few were actually working but that seem not to bother the duo whose faces were that of shock.

"Lindsay...did that seriously just happen?", Romeo asks in a quiet voice while not looking over at the girl.

"If by "that" you mean that one of the most wanted mages in the country if not the continent just offer knowledge on a magic you barely learned this morning, then yes, that seriously just happen", Lindsay answered.

A while ago

"I'm sorry; what do you mean I'm dealing with forces beyond my control?", Romeo asks, "I admit I have had a few hiccups in the beginning but I think I'm getting better at this."

To both Romeo and Lindsay complete surprise, Jellal started to laugh; it was a quiet laugh but a laugh nonetheless.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that", Jellal explains, "It's that you're not the first person I met who thought they could control a rare and powerful magic; but back to the matter at hand."

Jellal then started walking toward Romeo but not before Lindsay once again holds up her hand with her magic circle now basically radiating with light.

"Now hold on there a moment!", she screams, "No one told you to move!"

Jellal ignores her and continues to move toward Romeo whose arms were still covered in fire and ice. This annoys Lindsay to no end and due to her being hot-headed she shot off a spell at Jellal.

"Ash-Make: Harden Shot!", as a fist-size ball of harden ash shot out of the magic circle and at Jellal at high speed.

Jellal without missing a beat leans to the right to avoid the projectile and continues on his path unflinching.

"Like I said before, I'm not going to hurt you so there's no need for all that", Jellal says as he walks past a shocked Lindsay and stands in front of Romeo who had yet to act at this point.

"Now let's see just how much control you have over the wheel", he says as he touches the wheel symbol in the middle of Romeo's chest.


Romeo feels the magic leave his body and his arms go back to normal as both the fire and the ice disappear.

"H-how you do that?", Romeo asks as he tries to get over the shock.

"It's very simple really, I just injected some of my magic into yours", he explains, "While the tattoo on your chest is your source of power it's also your greatest weakness so you would do best to protect it."

Romeo is speechless as he looks down at the chaos wheel and then back at Jellal, "How do you know all this?"

"I know many things", was his answer before a noise off in the distance causes him to turn in the direction it was coming from, "But unfortunately, I cannot linger here for much longer."

"What are you talking about?", Romeo wonders.

"A fortnight and a half", Jellal replied as he turns to walk away, "I shall return to this exact spot in that time. If you wish to learn more about the Chaos Wheel, I suggest you meet me here at this exact hour on that day."

"Wait, what?", Lindsay blurts out as she recovers from her shock, "You're just going to appear then disappear?"

But Lindsay's question is ignored as a magic circle appears underneath Jellal, "Three weeks", he says before he is enveloped in a bright light and vanishes from sight, leaving both Romeo and Lindsay alone in the moonlit night.

Romeo: Wielder of the Chaos Wheel of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now