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J - H - S
Daegu, South Korea
October 2019

Jung Hoseok was eternally grateful, as expected, for Yoongi and everything that he had done for him. It had been a year and so much had changed between them. They were a team, Hoseok had risen up and become the second in command to the High Warlock title Yoongi now wore with a great pride.

Of course, they still shared a house, however they shared a room and a bed now also. This particular night they had spent together after weeks of not being able to even speak to each other due to how busy they were. Finally though, Hoseok had Yoongi to himself.

And he enjoyed every inch of him.

Yeah, their relationship had teetered on becoming romantic, but he could tell Yoongi was truly scared to commit to anything and he didn't want to scare him off so they were still only friends, but Jung Hoseok wanted that to change.

This year with the other warlock had changed him, the other had shown him that being half demon wasn't bad, as long as you listened to your half human side. Hoseok liked that, the idea that Yoongi presented to him, and he had made it a thing to remember that he was half human, instead of focusing on his demonic heritage.

He had also discovered a couple of things about the older, namely about his hair. When Yoongi was feeling a stronger emotion such as hatred or bliss, his hair changed faster through its colour scheme. He also knew that when he watched Yoongi without the other knowing he was there, his hair would fade gently, say from a deep sea blue to an emerald green over a couple of minutes, yet as soon as he announced his presence, even kindly, his hair would quickly become a vibrant like or yellow colour. Thus, Hoseok was assuming Yoongi felt for him, because it sure as hell wasn't fear or hatred or depression.

So, this planned had been hatched. With the help of Seokjin and Taehyung, now an almost father-son duo, he got this all perfect. Hoseok wanted to launch Yoongi's hair into a spin, to fill him with love and make a rave of the locks on his head.

It started with a card. That had been the original plan. Then the idea was a scavenger hunt but Hoseok thought that would be nice to save for later, so they though, perhaps the effiel tower. Seokjin, having been there, took Hoseok after getting Namjoon to teach him to make portals.

So here they were.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Hoseok called. Yoongi's ears perked up suddenly, picking up distress even if their wasn't any. He stood and rushed and was surprised to see Hoseok just standing in the middle of the room, alone, nicely dressed, and tidy. Nothing was wrong.

"Yeah, Seokie?" He asks, his red hair fading to a pinkish colour, more salmon for now.

"Do you think we could go somewhere? You've been working really hard lately and I think you need a break," he says with a smile, showing off his new found abilities and generating a golden spinning portal in the living room. Yoongi beamed.

"Hoseok-ah, you can make portals? When did I...? I didn't teach you that," he says, a little dumbfounded but honestly just impressed. Yoongi was proud that Hoseok had gotten this far.

"Namjoon-hyung taught me, he took me to the other side of the world and made me portal home," Hoseok laughs, earning an eyeroll from Yoongi before he nodded to the entryway the other had made them.

"Shall we go? I'm interested where you'll take me," Yoongi says. He was. Hoseok offered a hand and Yoongi took it, thus stopping them from being separated mid portal.

- - - - - - - - - -

They arrived in Paris in the alleyway that Seokjin had welcomed Hoseok to Paris in. Yoongi instantly recognized it, and smiled.

"I havent been here since... possibly the eighties?" He says with a smile, looking around and walking into the street. He was about to get swept into the crowd when Hoseok grabs him.

"Hyung, we have to be careful, I don't want to get lost," Hoseok laughs. Yoongi agrees and the two keep a hold of each other before walking into the street - generally Hoseok was holding the other's sleeve at around the elbow, though sometimes that changed.

Around twenty minutes after arriving in Paris, they found a nice cafe with a view of... well away from the tower, but that was okay. With a quick order of crêpes and coffee, they sat together and looked over the grids of buildings.

"So why did you bring me to Paris? And how, I mean I assume this is where Namjoon-ah brought you but-" Yoongi cuts himself off quickly when the other laughs, mustard hair becoming burnt orange.

"Well, no Seokjin-hyung brought me, then I brought you because, well I thought we might be able to count this, maybe, as our first date?" He suggests, getting shy. Yoongi claps, then smiles.

"Yeah, yeah I suppose we can do that," he nods softly and looks outside again, "a date."

Crêpes are brought out and Yoongi explains what they are, instantly the pair dig in. They finish their food before even another word is uttered between them.

"So, Hoseok-ah, you want this to be a romantic type date, I suppose?" Yoongi motions to clarify before he moved forward - metaphorically speaking - with a set mindset. Hoseok nodded and sipped his coffee.

"Yeah, I wanted to like, be your boyfriend or whatever," he laughs, scratching the back of his neck, "I mean I'm your assistant, sure, but I'd like to be more, yknow?"

"I get it, Seok-ah, but you're sure?"

"I'm sure, hyung," he says, earning a smile from Yoongi.

"Okay, if we are going to be together, there are a few rules," he says, very sure this date was positive even though he only just learned of it's existence and was only just learning many other things. "No hyung, if we are in a relationship we are perfectly equal despite age."

"So I can call you Yoongi-yah?" Hoseok double checks, earning a nod.

"Or Yoon-ah as Seokjin-hyung does." Hoseok felt special hearing that he could have that honor.

"Alright, what other rules?" He asks, noticing how quickly Yoongi's hair changed from deep maroon to midnight black to a bright yet medium purple.

"Well, we take it slow," he begins to explain, "we are immortal, and I would rather spend a long time building foundations than rushing, having them break, and having a bad relationship with you from then for forever." His points were fair, but Hoseok was definitely not going to let them break easily.

"Okay, agreed." Hoseok didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Okay, then, where else are you taking me on this date?" Yoongi asked excitedly, leaning back in his chair until an excited Hoseok pulled him out of the chair.

"Next stop, flowers."






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