Haven't Written Yet!

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~~~ PROMPT 1~~~  31 CREEPY WORD CHALLENGE - didn't do.

~~~ PROMPT 5~~~ Write a Haiku poem about the picture and words above. 'As Silent As A Grave' Person with hand over mouth."


~~~ PROMPT 6~~~ "A science project goes horribly wrong... tell us what happens in a 100 words or less.


~~~ PROMPT 7~~~ "You win First Prize in a competition, a 14-day luxury ocean cruise with only a hundred passengers on board. Everything seems perfect, but little do you realize that only 99 passengers will disembark alive. (Write your story in no more than 500 words).

I like this one.... so maybe.

~~~ PROMPT 10~~~ Based on the song (below), in 250-350 words, describe write about your hiden supernatural companion that could destroy everything you know.

~ I like this one - might do it.

~~~ PROMPT 11~~~ Write your best Halloween Limerick

~Ohh this one I might try too!

~~~ PROMPT 17~~~ Write about which deadly sin you embody based on the song Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine.

Yes I'm doing this - Envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, wrath. I'll do Wrath - that is my weakness.

~~~ PROMPT 21~~~  Start your story using this:  "This is a story about how I died.  Don't worry though! I came back."

hmmm maybe.

~~~ PROMPT 28~~~  You're an investigator tracking the monster who killed your family.  In 100 words, write about your investigation based on the picture below.

~~~ PROMPT 30~~~ Listen to the song and write a 200-499 word story from the POV of a loved person who was resurrected on Hallow's Eve.

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