Philip x Theo Jr Kindergarten AU

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       Philip Hamilton watched as his father drove away. This was his first day in kindergarten. He was a step closer of being a big kid now. He was ready to make new friends & have adventures with them! He was gonna blow them all away.

"This is gonna be the best year yet,"shouted the adorable freckled protagonist.

     He then walked into his classroom. He was prepared for anything. He had learned the alphabet, his numbers up to 100,his shapes,colors,knew how to read,write & most importantly,his manners. He didn't wanted to be an embarrassment,especially on the first day of school. Afterall,he was a Hamilton with pride.

"Time to shine,"he thought before sitting down & writing poems .

      A few minutes later after he got lost in his own little world of poetry he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked behind him & saw a pretty girl with dark brown hair & brown eyes. He suddenly felt his face blush,making his freckles pop up even more. He then had this realization he finally he had. He had prepared for everything,everything except for this pretty girl who had tapped his shoulder.

"Ummm . . . ,"responded Philip.

"Hi,I'm Theo,"exclaimed the girl.

"Hi,I'm P-philip & I'm a p-poet,"squeaked out the boy.

"Wanna be friends,"asked the girl.

"Sure,"adorably smiled the 5 year old.


"And that kids is how I met your mother. "

The End
Requested by PuddingUwU

Philip Hamilton OneShot BookWhere stories live. Discover now