"Man, your in my seat" Calum pouted at Luke, Luke just shrugged and patted his lap. Calum gladly, takes a seat on Lukes lap.

"Aww, Cake moment!" Rose squealed, gesturing to Luke and Calum. She then sighed and rested her chin on her hand, I glared at her and she just shrugged.

"What is 'Cake'?" I asked, feeling stupid considering cake was also food.

"Its our ship name" Calum smiled, looking at Luke. Luke's gay? Haha, never would've guessed Luke, the player, being gay (not that I have anything against gay people or anything, its just I never would've guessed that Luke would turn out gay)

"We're not gay though" Luke said quickly, once he saw my smirk.

"Its just a bromance" Calum grinned, then pinched Lukes cheek for no apparent reason. Suddenly, Calum layed down, his butt on me, his legs on Luke and his head on Ashton lap. God, this boy weighs alot.

"Ash, im bored and tired" Calum said like a little kid, pouting up at Ashton.

"Go to sleep then" Ashton replied, chuckling and acting like this was a totally normal thing.

"Actually, dont go to sleep, get off of me!" I said chuckling, rolling the boy off of me and onto the floor, with a loud thud.

"What was that for?" Calum whined from the floor.

"For weighing so much" I smirked.

"Could we go to our house instead?" Calum asked,  "We have an xbox and loads of fun things there"

"YES!" Rose barked, "Lets go, we dont want to waste our time" she clapped her hands together.

"Okay! Im ready to go miss" Calum said to Rose, I chuckled.

"Alright, just let me grab my jacket" I said and went into my room, my bed all messed up, thanks to Luke. I started to make my bed, again.

"Why was the picture in the bin?" a voice said from behind me, Luke.

"Cause I want to forget what happened back then" I said firmly, I could literally feel the disappointment coming from Luke.

"Please, keep it" he pleaded.

"Yeah, and why should I?" I turned to face him, no answer, "Thats what I thought" I mumbled and turned back to making the bed.

"I dont want you to forget me" he said just above a whisper.

"Oh, but I do" I chuckled, not because this was funny, but what he had just said, "You ruined my life" I whispered.

"Like I have been trying to say...ut wasnt my-" I cutt him off.

"Then who's fault was it? Please, do tell" I raised a brow, "You were the one who made me think you were a decent guy, your the whole reason I left my school!" I said and he looked down at his fidgeting hands.

"What about all the good memories we had? Do you want to forget them too?" he asked.

"Yes, I want to forget all those LIES, I want to forget it all" I said, "I just want to focuse on the life that im having now, a good one, that isnt being ruined. Now just...stay out of my way" I said, grabbing a jacket and pushing past him, "You ready to go?" I asked the boys and Rose, they nodded.

When we got out of the car, Rose "accidentally" let out a loud scream. We were now sat in their game room, Rose really wasnt looking forward to playing FIFA, but agreed to playing anyway. Michael gave us our controllers and, unlike me, Rose didnt catch hers and it fell to the floor.

"Guys" I said softly.

"What?" Calum asked.

"Me and Rose dont know how to play FIFA" I said, awkwardly.

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