Chapter 40

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Laura's P.O.V

Once we arrived in London, we grabbed a taxi. I got my phone out and got Abbys number up

"Be quiet, okay?" I told them, "If they think your coming they wont tell me where their staying" i explained, they nodded and went quiet while i called Abby.

"Hey Laura!" I put her on speaker so, just in case i dont remember the directions, the guys will of heard.

"Hey Abby, listen, im in London and i need to know the directions to where your staying" i told her, she told me the directions and then we told the driver, then we were off.


We were halfway there when Luke started poking me, i noticed all the rest of the guys asleep and looked over at him. He smiled, i scowled.

"Im sorry Laura" he sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I dont want us to split just because of something someone else did" he stated, i sighed but nodded, he smiled and hugged me.

Crystal's P.O.V.

I cursed when i saw pictures of them at the airport, now i have to find out where their going and go there myself. I sighed, fakling back on my bed of this expensive hotel room, looking up at the slightly pink ceiling. I grabbed my phone and dialled Jordan's number.

"We need to leave" i stated on the phone, he groaned on the other end, "They left the country"

"Where did they go to?" He asked, i mentally rolled my eyes.

"I dont know!" I said, frustrated, "But i bet we'll find out"

"Yeah erm, ive been thinking..." he trailed off, i glared at the ceiling, "I want to stop doing....what we're doing" he stated.

"What?!" I choked on my own spit, sitting up, "Why?"

"I can see that Laura's happy, i don't see the point in ruining that" he stated, i groaned, " mum was diagnosed with breast cancer a few days ago, i want to go back and help out again, and i lost my job because of you so now i have to go find one" he said angrily.

"Fine, go help your mum" i hung up on him. I crossed my arms, i dont need him. Or, thats what i tell myself...I got up and started pacing the room, but his voice kept replaying in my head, 'Laura's happy, i dont see the point in ruining that' that's all that went through my head as i paced the room.

Maybe this was a bad idea...


It was my first day of school, primary school, it was the six year old me. I was holding my mother's hand as she walked me to the gates of the school. I was crying, not wanting to leave my mum. But she kept encouraging me.

"C'mon sweetheart, it'll be great!" She said with a huge smile, shs wiped my tears awayand ushered me into the school. I walked into the school, watching all the kids play together but i was on my own.

I walked around for a while until i stumbled upon a patch of grass by a tree, on the grass sat a girl, playing withthe flowers that grew from the ground. I approached her and sat infront of her, i looked down at the ground to see her intertwining the stems of the flowers together.

"What are you doing?" I decided to speak up, she looked up at me with a shy smile, i noticed she had flowers on her head too.

"Im making flower crowns, my mummy taught me how" she had told told me. I watched as she continued to plait the stems together. After a few minutes, she had finished plaitting them and she hand it to me, "Now we can be friends" she giggled, placing it on my head. I smiled not feeling so alone anymore.


She was so smiley and cheery, i ruined that. A tear escapedmy eye, ive been so stupid. She was such a good person, i ruined her. I remember the changes in me, when they started happening.


It started when i came home at the age of 9, i walked home with Laura. I entered my house, seeing a strange man standing by the tv. I stood there and stared at him for a while.

"Who are you?" I asked, he looked up at me and scowled, but when my mum entered he smiled at me. He rushed over to me and picked me up, i wriggled trying to get out of his grip.

"She's beautiful Jamie" he beamed, i glared at him. My mum watched us with adoration.

"Crystal, this is my boyfriend, Shane" she introduced, i kicked the guy where my mum had taught me incase i was to get kidnapped, he groaned and fell to the floor, "Crystal" my mum gasped, helping him tothe sofa, i glared as "Shane" glared at me as my mum apologized to him.

"Its fine, probably an accident" he muttered.

"Go to your room Crystal!"mum yelled at me, she never yelled at me. I ran up to my room.


Everything changed after that. I changed, my mum changed, my whole life got turned upside down. Shane turned out to hate children and sometimes would hit me while mum's not around, he would also rob mum of her money, he turned out to be a druggie too also making my mum do drugs. She ended up depressed, taking antidepressants that i didnt know about until i actually left the house for good. I dont know where my mum is anymore, Shane would always make her move when the drug dealing got bador when he owed money. She's tried leaving him, but he wont allow it.

I know what your thinking, why dont i just call the police and get my mum out of there? I have, they just cant find them cause they keep moving. I get calls when they've been spotted but they manage to disappear as soon as any sign of police is around.

All that has messed me up, all the abuse, drugs and my mum being a teen mum and having to watch her struggle while my father abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant. Its all part of why i am the way i am.

And when Laura started getting closer to Luke and further away from me, that triggered it. Laura was supposed to be my bestfriend, not Lukes.

I never wanted Luke, i just wanted my bestfriend back. And by splitting them up, i thought we would go back to normal.

Instead, she left.

And now ive lost her forever.

Laura's P.O.V

I went up to the front door of where their staying and knocked on it, Abby answered. She smiled and hugged me close.

"You have to tell me why your here" she pointed a finger at me, i chuckled.

"Of course" her eyes suddenly went wide as she looked over my shoulder. I saw a girl our age behind her, with a baby and also looking behind me.

"Hey " Michaels voice sounded from beside me.


Guys its the end of Back In the Past, hope you enjoyed this story!

And dont worry, their will be a sequel. It will be in Abbys P.O.V. though and it will be focused more on her and Michael.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story! Love all of u for reading!

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