hollow bug vs ice maiden

Start from the beginning

"I didn't ask you why you were doing it,I asked what you were doing"i said

"I'm trying to release my shade form"he said

"Just drop it it's not something that you have to train for,it's something that just comes"

"How do you know that?"

"I remember the feeling I got when I first transformed to retaliate against shadow


No one to help me

Wishing for greater strength and most importantly

Fear,I was afraid I was going to die a pitiful death,a death where I couldn't see my mother

That's what your lacking

Right now you think that you can take on anyone with the power of VOID but it's not true

The void is just a tool for you to use,the real weapon is here

And here"i said tapping his forehead and his chest

"It's up to you to know how to use them"i said walking away

'What did I become?some kind of old sage?'I asked myself before going back to ryuko's house and slept through the rest of the night

++++++++++++the next day+++++++++++

Everyone was gathered at the arena to see who was hollow's adversary

It was the girl who held him captive during our punishment period,esdeath

They both walked in front of each other as hollow pulled out his nail ready to fight her

++++++++++++++3rd PoV+++++++++++++

Hollow was getting ready as esdeath didn't pay him any mind and didn't take him seriously

And so the battle began

Hollow went behind her ready to slash her back but she unsheathed her sword and blocked his attack from her back

"My my~you sure have grown a lot since the last time I saw you boy,it makes me excited to try all kinds of stuff with you"she said as she threw him to the side

He started sliding on the floor as he threw small knives at her that she deflected with her sword easily but he used that opportunity to run at her as they started to exchange blows,this was something new to hollow,however,esdeath was having the upper hand on him as if she was toying with him but as he clashed swords with her one more time,their swords collided and he used that opportunity to throw a knife at her which she barely dodged which left her a big scar on her face which got her mad as she tapped her heels on the ground which generated a mountain of ice which pierced hollow in his arm

He got to a safe place as esdeath glared at him

"You son of a bitch!!"

"I am not a son of a bitch!my name is hollow!and I will make sure to become a knight to protect my family!!and nothing will stop me!!"he said determined

"No one cares!!"she shouted as she tapped her heel again which created more ice as hollow jumped but this was a grave mistake as she used that opportunity to pierce him in the taste as he screamed in agony she then decided to slash him in a flurry of slashes as she let him fall down before starting to kick him

"Now,where is that strength that you were showing me a while ago?come on!"she shouted as she started kicking him

Hollow looked at the stands to see their people holding Y/n down from intervening

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