Thomgelica || Mr. and Mrs. Powell

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 "..Now, this is Charles Lee, we suspect he and his crew are expecting to blow the whole area up, since there are some important people who are going to be there. We have been trying to catch him for years now. Your mission is to prevent him from doing so by catching him, kidnapping him, handcuffing him, what ever you have in mind, I don't care." George explained, Thomas just nodded slowly. 

 "Alright, now about you two. Thomas, your name is Oliver Powell, a 25 year old lawyer. Not a great fan of entertainment. You have been getting your degree in Regant University in Virginia, then moved to New York. You met your lovely now-to-be wife, Mary Powell in a cafe you used to go to. Mary is a 23 year old waitress. She has a lot of passion to opera, and dancing. You have been married for a year and half now, and you're trying to get pregnant with a baby. Any questions?" George asked, looking up at the two. Thom just shook his head, taking a glance at the female beside him.

Angelica sat listening, She knew there was no getting out of this. She sighed, this was a good character for her, technically. Angelica also liked singing and dancing... And believe it or not, she likes baking. It shouldn't be too hard... Right?

"Okay Okay- So your saying to me, that not only are we a couple, but we're practically... fucking?" She huffed, making a sickening gesture.

"Gross." She finished, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't one to complain but seriously- Maybe Thomas did like her, But she Hated Him. He was so- URGH! And she just couldn't handle the idea of working with him! Like, honestly.

She caught Thomas glancing at her and she turned away in her chair, a little awkwardly. It was not going to be an easy mission.

"..What's so wrong about that? Grow up, I'm not that bad," Thom muttered, looking away from her. 

 "That's the files. You don't have to seriously do... It, though you could make fake moans at the hotel. Make it believable, it's important. We want people to believe what ever comes out of your mouth." George said. "..Any more questions, or we're done for today?"

"I guess your not....that bad..." She mumbled before George continued.

"Oh- Right. When do we start...?" Angelica asked, turning to face George. She was half excited, half nervous. Not going to lie, although she wouldn't admit it... Maybe she could learn something from Thomas? Pfft. She doubted it. It was just a case of knowing what to do when. She was obviously more light on her toes than him. It would be him learning from her.

"You'll be driving to Ohio tomorrow morning, you have a car waiting for you outside." George said, taking another glance at the files. 

 "..Ohio? Isn't that like an 8 hour drive?" Thom asked, blinking. George nodded. 

 "Oh, great." Thom muttered sarcastically, covering his face with his hands, taking a deep breath. 

 Honestly? Thomas was a bit excited from what's going to happen, yet hid it for himself. Just the thought of having that mission with Angelica Schuyler herself... No, that's wrong. It's just a small mission. Thomas didn't dislike Angelica, he always found her as an inspiration and an amazing woman, though never let himself tell anyone, not even his best friend James.

Angelica shook her head, nodding to George before excusing herself outside into the corridor. She mumbled something, Running her hands through her hair. Oh god. She was just a little nervous now. Drive - Oh god. Angelica stood up, taking a deep breath and smoothing out her dress. She looked down the hall and then paused, only now noticing that hers and Jefferson's offices were next to each other.

She slowly walked down the corridor, placing a hand on her office door handle.

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