#1 Bibleman: When youre sick

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As you lay in bed at 10pm you ask yourself, "why me?"
See you had unfortunately caught a cold right before the battle with The Master Of Misery. This morning you woke up feeling really ill and Bibleman would not let you go.
"God, when is he gonna get home??"
Suddenly, the door downstairs opens.
"Y/N?? Are you awake?"
You try to shout back, but your sore throat deceives you.
"Hey, how are you feeling Biblebae?"
"Like ass, straight up ass."
"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm gonna make you some soup, try to get more rest."
He leaves the room and you slowly doze off.
~Timeskip brought to you by Biblemans armor~
"Y/N, wake up. Your soup is here."
As you slowly wake up, you ask him:
"I thought you made soup?"
"I decided to doordash it, now eat."
You lift up and begin to eat the soup.
"I just finished running you a hot bath, you need to take one."
"Are you saying I stink?"
"Precisely, with yo fishy and stanky ass."
You put the empty bowl on top of his pillow, hoping some of the chicken soup residue leaks on it.
"Hey Miles? Can I have a hug?"
"Of course."
Before you hug him, you lick your hand.
As you pull away from the hug you give on of his hands a gentle squeeze.
"Get out.".
"Okay, call me if you need me!"
He shuts the door and goes to retrieve the dishes.
That little fuck. Hope he gets sick.
After your bath, you both crawl into bed.
"Gn Y/N my cinnamon apple!!❤️❤️"
"Gn my bible boy!🥰👏🏻"
You text each other before going to sleep right fucking next to each other you dumbasses.

The End.

Hey everyone, it's me, Magenta! I decided to go ahead and post a small story because I wasn't busy and thought it would be fun. I hope you all enjoyed and Blue should be posting here soon! Thank you!


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