"Sure thing," Tessa said.


"Oh um, I can't becau-" I started.

"What!" They all screamed.

"I have extra swimming lessons, and y'all know how I suck at swimming, I need this!" I told them.

"So, you would rather spend an hour with Coach Sarah swimming than to spend it with us?" Tessa accuses me.

"You know it's not like that, I had this planned since last week," I defended myself.

"Its fine Skye, just join us straight after right?" Riley says.

Oh thank you, my saviour!

"Yeah, of course," I reassure them.

"Okay well that's sorted, shall we get to class?" Tori asks

We all had Biology and Chemistry together, and although these were the most important subjects, we never paid any attention in class but somehow one of us would be the best in the subject followed by the rest.

I was good in Biology and Tori was good in Chemistry, so we all studied together and got prizes every year.

Last year all four of us shared the award for top student in Chemistry! Funny isn't it?

"Hey, thanks for saving me earlier," I whisper to Riley, as the teacher explains some nonsense.

"It's a pleasure, and I know Coach Sarah isn't the one giving you the extra lessons," She states, looking away like it's no big deal.

Shit, how did she know!

"I can explain, okay?" I start.

"No need, just don't do anything I wouldn't in that pool," She warns in a mocking voice.

"Nothing, except drown" I say, slightly relieved that she didn't make a big fuss.

"Oh and I expect you to give me an update on Thursday, okay?" She says. I just chuckle.

"Ms Miller, would you like to balance this equation since you having a fat chat there?"  My Chemistry teacher, Ms Trunchbull, says whilst giving me the look.

I got upfront and balanced the equation within 30 seconds.

"Hmm," She simply says.

I seriously don't understand why she tried to make me a victim, did she forget I was one of the top students last year!

"That was so stupid of her! Embarrassing herself like that," Riley chuckles as we walk out of class.

"Tell me about it," I smile, recalling her face when I finished that equation in a matter of seconds.

"Guys, I'm tired, can't we bunk the last few hours," Tessa complains.

"Sure thing," Riley replies.

"Yeah okay," Tori says.

"Guys, I got a Geo quiz last lesson," I say.

Well that's a lie; actually I just wanna go to Geo so I can gaze at my amazingly beautiful teacher.

"Ah shame, bye, have fun," Tessa says

"Ey, y'all can't leave, Tori how am I gonna get home?" I say.

"How about you walk?" She giggles.

"Fine!" I snap, walking away.

As I turn dramatically, I bump into Tyler who was making his way to Tori.

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