"Confident much?" Daisy raised her eyebrows. Sirius smirked.

"With you back on the team, we can win a billion rounds." Sirius said cooly then left, leaving Daisy standing there blushing.

What's it with me?

What's wrong?

Why do I have these stupid feelings?

Do I like Sirius Black?

Nah....he's Sirius Black!

Daisy Evans, you will not fall for him!

He's nothing but a playboy who just wants to mess with others feelings!

I need to talk to Alice and Mary!

Their so going to ship Sirius and I.

And they did indeed.

The next match came soon, but the Gryffindor team condition was doing much better then last time, and everyone was sure they would beat Ravenclaw. The catch was that the other houses didn't know about their old team coming back. So Ravenclaw was very confident that they would win.

"We will win." James said confidently.

"Aye aye." Sirius cheered.

"Daisy, pep talk?" James begged. Daisy chuckled. Ever since fifth year, Daisy had been giving the pep talk for James. James sucked when it came to pep talks, or any talks. She stood up and started talking.

"Let's just do our best, stay concentrated, and we'll win." Daisy said. The team cheered. When they walked onto the stadium, the Ravenclaw captains broom dropped. The other team members opened their mouths in shock. They had no idea that they would be going against the original team. They definitely didn't have enough practice.

"What! Potter? What is this? I thought....what happened to your team?" The Ravenclaw Seeker asked. James smirked.

"Our team just got a million times better."

They won. The Ravenclaw team was distracted while the Gryffindor team was more concentrated then ever. Sirius and Alice both scored 50 points each, earning the team 100 points in total, while Fin Wood blocked every single throw from the Ravenclaw team, giving them zero points. Then, Daisy spotted the snitch. It was besides Sirius. She looked straight at him and jerked her head. He slowly looked beside him and nodded, his eyes widened. Daisy zoomed towards the snitch and caught it.

The whole Gryffindor house got on their feet and cheered. Victory for Gryffindor was back on. Daisy grinned widely and gave the snitch back to Madam Hooch. But was surprised Sirius was that Daisy gave him a tight hug then ran off to find her friends. Sirius stood therew with a look of awe on his face.

I really really like her.

Does she like me?

I hope so.

Should I ask her out?

I really want to...

Will she say yes?

Will she date me but the same thing happen to us like Remus and her?

I'm falling hard for her....

Really hard.

I gotta go talk to James.

He'll know what to do.

Wait no...he can't get a girlfriend himself.

Remus and Peter are no use.

I'm doomed.

Daisy opened her eyes. It was Christmas morning, and snow was falling outside. The school grounds were beautiful, and the girls in the dormitory were already up and excited to get presents. Daisy looked down to her down and saw that she had received many presents this year.

There was a card from her parents, like literally one Happy Christmas Card, a box of books from Alice, Daisy squealed when she saw the books, all from her favourite author. She had also received a charm slash friendship bracelet from Mary, it was gorgeous. She had recieved some other presents from some other friends, and swhat surprised her was that even James gave her a present. A box of chocolate frogs thanking her for everything.

Since when did James get this sweet?

There was one last gift... She unwrapped it and saw a small box with a note attached on it.

From a secret admirer~

She opened it and gasped. There was a beautiful necklace inside the box, a gorgeous diamond necklace, which must have costs thousand. The jewellery piece looked like it had been crafted by goblins, and they definitely weren't cheap.

"What the?" Alice gasped. Alice had leaned in to see the present.

"It says it's from a secret admirer." Daisy whispered, wracking her brain thinking about someone, but no-one came up. Alice though, smiled, she knew who it was from, the only guy in the whole school who could afford something like that, but it wasn't in her place to say anything.

It was Christmas morning, and people were ready to head home. Well...Daisy was staying at Hogwarts, of course, with Mary accompanying her. Mary didn't like going back home either, her dad had died when she was very young, and her mother was a single mother and they didn't have a very good relationship. The two girls walked down to the bug hall which was decorated beautifully, the students were going to have a last breakfast before they left.

"Morning Alice." They said in unison. Of course Alice didn't hear them, because she was too busy sucking faces with Frank. The two of them were steadily dating now, and all Alice could talk about was him. Mary and Daisy shared an eyeroll.

Who needs boys?

"Did you get my present?" Mary asked Daisy. Daisy nodded.

"I love it. Thanks so much." Daisy started eating her favourite pancakes.

Meanwhile, Sirius Black was watching her from afar, and he saw the diamond necklace he got her hanging from her neck.

She's wearing it!

Does she know who sent it?

Oh my gosh!

Why am I acting like a little girl?

After breakfast, Daisy stood up, a book already in her hands. She walked towards the entrance, but she bumped into someone, and the book fell out of her hands. She was standing face to face with Sirius Black. Daisy breathed heavily.

"Hi, Sirius." She finally managed to say. Sirius just smiled and jerked his head up. She looked up and saw a mistletoe. Her eyes widened.

"Oh." She said and smiled softly.

"Mistletoe." He whispered. She nodded. He leaned in and the two shared a sweet kiss. The whole hall cheered while Daisy wa sblushing hard. After for what was like hours, Daisy pulled back. Sirius looked at her chest and smiled.

"You're wearing my gift." He said in his deep voice. Daisy's eyes widened.

"You sent this?" She asked. He nodded.

"Thank you, but I cannot accept." She started to take it down but he stopped her.

"Do you want to go take a walk outside?" He asked, pointing towards the school grounds. She nodded and they head out hand in hand.

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