"Hey," you shouted over the music.

He turned to you, a smug grin on his face.

"Hello there," he winked, his hands already moving to your hips as if to pull you close.

"You!" Angrily you stabbed your finger against this chest, not caring that the impact with his sternum hurt like hell. "What the fuck did you tell Ryan?"

The grin on his face faltered when he picked up on your rage.

"The truth, that we are getting back together," he shouted.

"The fuck? Didn't I make it fucking clear that never, ever, ever, not even if we were the last to fucking people alive in this universe, I'd get back together with you?"

Slowly Lars got angry too.

"I'm fighting for you, isn't that what women want?"

"No, it's fucking not! Not if they told you they don't want anything from you, and especially not when it involves telling lies, and trying to force the woman into something she explicitly said she doesn't want!"

"You don't know what you want," Lars hollered, blood rising to his face, making him look like a tomato with a sunburn, "you should consider yourself lucky to have ever gotten a chance with me! I'm a thousand times better than you, and you show absolutely no gratitude for me wasting my time on a whore like you!"

"If you ever, ever think you know what I want, ever again, I suggest keeping it to your fucking self and letting me live my life the way I want! I'm done with your bullshit manipulations and you guilt tripping me! You've been an asshole for as long as I know you, and you'll always be one, don't think for a second I don't know that by now! My only fault was not realizing this while we were still in college!"

"What did you call me?"

Lars took a threatening step towards you, but instead of intimidating you, it only made you angrier. You were done with this shit; you were done with him making you feel small. So instead of backing away, you stood up tall, feet planted hip wide on the ground, shoulders straightened, chin raised, and looking him directly into the eyes, never looking away or blinking. That he was still several inches taller than you did not matter.

"I called you an asshole, a fucking asshole, because that's what you are. Now back down!"

For a few seconds he stared at you, and you could feel how he tried to win dominance over you, the way he had done back in college when you had been in an argument. But you were not scared of him, not anymore; you were pissed, and you would not let him get the satisfaction of seeing you falter.

To your relief he eventually averted his gaze, and for a second you thought it was over, but then he turned around, and pushed you forcefully into the rostrum, slamming down both hands at your sides.

Now you got scared.

But you were still too pissed to let it show, and before you even had time to react, Lars was grabbed by the back of his shirt, and got yanked backwards. Surprised you saw that a young man, more a boy than a man, had reached over the barriers, and pulled Lars away.

"Leave the lady alone, you hear me," he shouted.

The moment he realized he had just attacked a grown man, was comically obvious, and for a split second fear flickered in his eyes, but he pushed it aside, staring at Lars the way you had mere seconds ago.

Quickly you climbed over the barrier, next to the boy, who was barely older than sixteen.

Lars was about to say something, but when he saw your challenging stare, he huffed and turned away.

His Smile Will Keep You Safe - Ryan Seaman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now