Must Kill You

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"Please, don't do this to me!"

"I'm sorry, oppa. I can't."


"This is the command, oppa."

"But, you can refuse, right?"

"He threaten me. I'll be killed if I didn't do this."

"But, why must me?"

"Cause you're the only one."

"'The only one?"

"Yes. The only people who I love and love me."

"Just ... me?"

"Yes. Just you."

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing. Only you,oppa."

"So ... you're going to kill me?"



"Why? Do you mind, oppa?"


"What do you mean?"

"For your sake, I would die. For the sake of love for you, I'm ready to die on your hands if that is the fate, even though it hurts."


"So, kill me if it's our destiny."


"Come on."

"Wait a minute."





"What do you mean?"

"It's better if we die together. Actually I don't want to do this command."


"Because I want to be with you, oppa. If you die, Who would be the man I love who love just like you?"

"So, you..."

"Yes I will die with you. Luckily he gave me two guns."

"You ..."

"What else, oppa?"


"Thank you, my dear. I thought you wanted to live without me."

"Stupid! I might not think that way!"

"But, you still want me, right?"

"Of course. But first, release your hugs!"

"We better die in the arms alone. What do you think?"

"Huh? Are you crazy, oppa?"

"I'm not crazy. I just wanted to die when we are together. And I thought, dying in your arms is good. So, what do you think?"

"Whatever you say. Importantly, we must hurry."

"Okay. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready. You?"



"One, ..."

"Two, ..."





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