Suspicion pt.2

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"Okay, so anyone got any bright ideas?" The cafeteria was packed. Teens sitting on the tables, chairs and leaning on the rails.

"Let's get into groups and search the school." Ami said. She was the student body's secrety.

Having her black hair in a high a bun with thick black glasses hiding her brown irises, dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and black skirt; she really looked the part.

"But what if we actually find something and when Ghost knows she speeds up her progress." Tori said softly, but everyone had still heard her.

Murmers of agreement erupted across the cafeteria. Courtney shot Tori a dirty look causing her shrink. One after the next the students all left the school leaving only a number only of 32 in total.

Courtney and her crew, part of the student body and the popular trio.

"Let's get in groups of eights and search everywhere. I want no corner left unsearched." Courtney barked at them. They departed shortly afterwards.
. .
. .

Anna, Ami, Tori and Liz decided to search the principal's office.

"It's locked." Liz pulled the door repeatedly but it wouldn't move an inch.

"Let me try." Tori gently took a hairpin out of Ami's hair causing her hair to get loose. She bent next to the door and picked the lock.

Hearing a click Liz threw her arm over Tori's shoulder and grinned." Maybe after all this is over we can be partners in crime.'

Anna stepped in first." If you don't die before this is over."

"So negative." Liz drawled. They turned the place upside down looking for clues when Ami found a council pass under the large mat.

The name, face and ID number were scratched off much to their dismay.

"I guess this how our little Ghost got access to the speaker." Liz said.

"And the master's key to open every door." Anna pointed to the cupboard which was now empty. The cupboard was usually locked and barred but was now wide open.

"If this person wasn't trying to expose us. I would worship her." Liz sighed in disappointment.

That girl could have been her permanent partner in crime. Liz had tried to steal that key five times and failed. But, she got bested by a girl that had no respect for personal privacy and was on the opposing side of the war.

Low Blow.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Tori asked.

"Hearing the voice so many times you could hear that the voice was feminine. Though she hoped that the speaker would block it out there were still some traces." Anna explained. Ami stared in shock then nodded in agreement.

"Should we head back?" Ami questioned.

"Let's search a little more."

. .
. .

Courtney, Abby, Natalie and Jake decided to search the security room. They played the videos one after another and still didn't find anything.

Courtney's phone rang aloud, checking the caller ID she hurriedly answered." It's Liz "

Jake checked every corner, behind the computers and on the floor thoroughly and sighed." There's absolutely nothing here."

Abby slammed her fist down in anger. The keyboard fell off revealing some dust, dried blood and a white rag.

"Who died recently?" Natalie quickly asked.

"Other than the 33 children who committed suicide in the last month?" Jake asked sarcastically.

"We've got bad news and worse news. Which one do you wanna hear first?" Courtney asked, only glancing at the dried blood before focusing her attention solely on them.

" Worse news." Abby and Jake said in unison.

"Ghost has the master's key which probably means that they came here before us and took the tapes with themselves in them."

Natalie took a sharp intake of breath, sweating bullets." And the bad news?"

"They found a council pass that Ghost used to get into the principal's office to get the key. Suspicion, Ghost is apart of the student council." Courtney sighed.

Courtney's phone vibrated, reading through the message she smiled." I have the worst news ever."

"What?" Jake asked.

"A detective is coming to investigate all of us."

Natalie fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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