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"Did you hear what she said to me?" Lizzy screeched. Her blue eyes stared at the sunset before her as her long raven hair blew in the wind.

She blew her bangs away from her left eye revealing a purplish bruise covering the side of her face. "Are you even listening to me?"

"I listen with my ears not my eyes Liz."Anna rolled her eyes at the girl who was now stomping her feet on the ground and pouting.

Like a child.

"You could have at least backed me up Anna." She whined. The two were sitting on a big rock in the woods looking at the sky. The lake infront of them almost seemed to glow as the last light of day shined upon it.

"I refuse to take part in your daily flights which,might I add are extremely unnecessary." Anna ran her hand through her red locks and sighed. This girl was a real handful. She was hot-headed,loud and aggressive, that's why she always preferred Tori.

"But Courtney called me a slut."

"And you called her a homewrecker." Anna retorted.

The students poured into the auditorium. They pushed and pulled to see the fight of the century.

Lizzy Monzel and Courtney Williss.

They had never clashed well. Both were hot-headed,loud and hated following orders which cause disagreements every time they saw each other,never fights.

They were like animals. They bit,kicked, pulled and someone swore they saw one of Courtney's fingers bent backward like it was broken.

"Please calm down." Tori pried her friend off. She whispered soothing words into her ear successfully calming her down.

" You little bitch. I know you had something to do with this morning." Courtney roared.

Lizzy was known for some good pranks but not this one,this one was legendary. Someone had called Mr. Davis's wife and pointed them in the direction of Courtney. They had an all out brawl that was later posted on the internet with some of her family's personal information.

Some believed it was Ghost, majority believed it was Lizzy. There was no evidence of the two.

The raven swung her fist and punched her causing her to fall down. Courtney felt for the first thing on the ground and swung at her,which turned out to be a microphone stick. Everyone winced as Liz hit explaining the huge bruise on her face.

" It was still her fault. How could she just accuse me of something like that?"

Anna sighed." Just let it go."

"Fine." Liz said dejectedly." But I've got to ask did you--?"

"Don't even finish that sentence."

. .
. .

" So..... what's going on?" Liz tried making conversation at the table with her two overly quiet friends.

"School has been hackling especially with all the fights breaking out." Anna sighed.

"It could have been worse." Liz grinned trying to cheer her up. Her friend's position as student president was hackling. Everyone's problems was her own. She could already see the stress lines on the redhead's forehead.

"Yes,but it could have been a whole lot better too."

She had a point. Her gaze shifted to her other friend."So how have you been?"

"I'm f-fine." Tori replied softly.

"Okay." And just like that,the table went back into complete silence. They continued eating in a comforting silence before their phones buzzed.

Liz was the first to check her phone. Her eyes scanned the words before she gasped." Homecomings cancelled?!?"

The shout drew attention from everyone in the court.

"Impossible. I did everything to prevent that." Anna exclaimed. She checked her phone,trying to be proved right but was proved wrong. Homecoming was indeed cancelled.

"OMG those animals are going to kill me. I promised them that homecoming was still on." Anna exclaimed in distress.

" And I-i'm going to have to cancel my date. I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings, and my dress is gonna have to be returned." Tori sighed in disappointment.

The two girls rambled on and on in distress.

Liz just grinned. At least they were speaking more.

. .
. .

Students sat on the curb of Winston High. Some smiling, talking, laughing and some gossiping as usual.

This scene would have been fine, if it wasn't for the time and the man you could see at the entrance of the school fuming in silent anger.

Principal Brown had cancelled homecoming so these children had decided to cancel school.

Liz and Courtney popped up sporting matching grins with mics in they're hands.

"What do we want?" Liz's voice boomed.

"Homecoming." The students screamed.

"When do we want it?" Courtney asked.

"Right to the goddamn now. That's when I want it." Someone in the crowd shouted.


"He's right."

"We want homecoming." They chanted over and over until Mr. Brown walked down to them.

His hair that was normally gelled back was shaggy and his once neat seat was now untidy. In short,he looked nothing like the Principal of Winston High they had saw two days ago.

"I have made my decision,until
Ghost is found there will be no homecoming." He screamed the last part into mic causing their ears to hurt.

"Well, who is it?"

"Fess up."

"No killer is going to confess to their crimes to the police." Natalie piped up from behind Anna.

She had pure diamond hair in tight curls running down her back and baby blue eyes. She was Anna's second in command,the vice-president.

"She's right. If we're gonna catch this person we should start pointing fingers." Anna said.

Liz stared at her in shock,she was the one that said she couldn't handle all the fights breaking out and now she's causing a huge one.

Natalie looked down bashfully from the agreement from Anna.

"Compliment hoarder." Liz muttered under her breath. The crowd erupted. Each person had they're own suspicions and that started fights. Everywhere.

The same children that were just smiling and laughing were now growling and pinning each other down like animals.

Liz and Courtney just shrugged and jumped in with a battle roar also fighting.

"Guys. Guys. GUYS!" Everyone looked at the front to see Tori. The poor girl was shaking like a leaf and crying."Please stop."

Her soft voice soothed their anger."Let's just go inside and think about this. I don't wanna see anyone get hurt."

They all grumbled but went inside nonetheless. Liz and Anna stayed behind with the burnette.

One of Anna's shirt sleeves were gone and so was half of her usually long hair. She was barely bruised but you could see splatches of blood on her clothes.

Liz was no better. Other than the giant bruise over the side of her face, her lip was bursted and blood coated her knuckles.

"I'm proud of you." Liz grinned.

"As am I."

"So let's get going." The girls walked after the crowd

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