The drinks keep coming, I switched it up a bit now I'm drinking chocolate martinis instead. The music is flowing through the speakers and I feel a small hand wrap around my wrist. I look up from Aiden's longing gaze to find a tipsy Ashley holding my arm. "Let's dance!" she squeals.

Aiden's hand wraps around my waist, firmly. "Aiden! Let her up, it's her birthday."

I watch as his eyes dart to where Leo sits, he's talking to Howard. They're both drinking beers and laughing. Aiden nods, and hesitantly releases me into the clutches of his sister.

We dance the night away, drinking our martinis and dancing around the fire. My eyes glide to Aiden's every so often and even though Ricky has been in deep conversation with him his eyes never leave me.

I find myself dancing a little sexier than I normally would. The alcohol has made me loosen up, unwind. He beckons me, I walk over and sit on his lap. "That's enough." He tells me, with a grin on his face.

"You're no fun." Ashley chimes in, her speech slurred. She falls into a fit of giggles when Ricky tosses her over his shoulder, carrying her back to their wooden bench.

I nuzzle into Aiden's chest. Then a song comes on that makes Ashley get hyper. "Leeeet's dance!" She slurs, leaning against Ricky. He laughs, pulling her close. "You need to relax babe, you've had to much to drink."

The melody is upbeat and I dance to the music on Aidens lap, singing the lyrics past the fire to Ashley who does the same on the other side.

We do this for a while, chatting, singing, just being young and free for once. Eventually, Ricky and Ash disappear into the woods laughing as they trip over twigs. I continue to dance to the intoxicating music.

Aiden leans forward, bringing his lips near my ear. "If you keep bouncing on my lap like that I'm going to have to slip your panties aside and fill you." He tells me, I laugh at him.

Leaning close to his ear I reply, "Aiden, you almost didn't let me wear this dress. I highly doubt you would risk someone else seeing you do something to me." I'm a little tipsy, not drunk at all but I have a bit more confidence right now.

"Don't act like I wont take you right here." He kisses my bare shoulder, my body twitches as he whispers in my ear. "It would be so easy to just..." He pulls a warm blanket over us, reaching his hand in between my legs he clamps a hand over me, I'm careful not to moan.

I feel him pressing against me, rock hard. "I could just grab you here." He removes his hand from between my legs and grabs my waist, slowly he picks me up once and lowers me back down. "I could wrap you around my cock and bounce you myself."

"Stop." I say, with no conviction. We have to get out of here. I look around at the drunken scene in front of us. Ashley and Ricky long gone into the woods, Howard asleep in his chair, a few guards dot the property and Leo. When my eyes meet his Aiden wraps his hand around my throat gently, claiming me. Leo looks away quickly.

"Oh my God, I think Leo saw that." I tell him with a whisper.

Aiden shrugs, "I know."

"Stop being so mean to him." I'm trying to be serious but my voice is husky.

"Don't tell me when I can and can't touch you on his behalf. I can fuck you whenever I want, you know that right?" He's right about that. Whenever he wants and I will gladly accept.

Aiden looks around once and then focuses his attention on me, "I want to show you something."

Helping me up he places one hand on the small of my back and guides me through the meadow and into the forest. A flashlight in his other hand lights our way. "Where are we going?" I ask, having no clue where we are.

"Just be patient." He laughs.

Moments later I hear what sounds like water gently lapping, my ears we're correct when my eyes take in a beautiful view of a lake. It's midnight black outside but the moon is full and cast a glow on the deep waters. It's breathtaking.

"I love this." I tell him.

"This is more private, yeah?" Does he come here a lot?

I can't help myself, my insecurities getting the better of me. "Do you take a lot of girls here?"

"I've never had a girl at my safe house, much less this many people. It's driving me fucking insane not having you alone."

I smirk. "Why didn't we have the bonfire here?"

He gives me a look, a look that says I should already know that answer. "I didn't want anyone to see you in a swimsuit."

Without a moments notice he releases me and walks towards the water. "Get in." He says, ripping his clothes off. His tan skin glistening against the white glow of the moon.

I shake my head, a little afraid of what may be in the lake so late at night. He claps his hands once and then rubs them together. "Either you can take that fucking dress of Emilia or I will rip it off your body. Your choice." He threatens with a devilish smile.

I take the soft fabric in between my fingers, slowly pulling it up as Aiden watches me with a cocky smirk.


My computer is acting up, so unfortunately I won't be able to post another chapter until Monday. But I made this one long so don't come at me lol. See y'all Monday!

For my readers who aren't commenters: Hello! I know we never speak but I just want you to know you are appreciated and I hope you're enjoying the story! 🤗

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