Chapter 38: A Child, Andy

Start from the beginning

Wrapping up the meeting I head over to one of my clubs on the the Northern side. It's been a couple of months since I've visited this club and my father taught me when handling clubs you should make unexpected appearances once in a while. When I go when people are expecting me, the put on an act so I wont know if the girls are being mistreated or if my men are slacking off.


I send a nod to Jake and brush past him scanning the first floor. Heading upstairs to the VIP room a girl no older than 16 comes over with a drink. I know every single girl in the club but I have never seen her and It's hard to miss her because if her red hair and sky blue eyes.

"S-sir this is for you", she whispers.

I take the drink from her, "Sit down".

She hesitates but sits next to me tucking her shaking hands under her thighs.

"Are you new?"

Once again she hesitates, "Y-yes about a month?"

I nod and call over Abby, "Give me my usual".

The busty blond glares at the girl, "I told her to get Scotch sir. She's slow and just started working here a month ago. I've been telling Jake to fire her but you kno-"

I raise my hand to stop her, "I didn't ask you to do anything except get me my drink".

She looks down and leaves.

"What's your name?"

The young girl steals a quick glance, "Beatrice".

I nod, "How old are you Beatrice?"

She bites her lip and grips the edge of the couch. Abby walks over and hands me a cigar along with Scotch.

"Look at me. How old are you?"

I was becoming irritated and I wanted to get home to Sophia.

"20 sir".

I nod slowly, "You should know Beatrice, I am very big on loyalty and trust. Liars...I slit their throats in front of their mothers".

Her eyes tear up as her body shakes.

"I mean come on, if you raised a liar then you should know. So how about we try again sí?"

I hand her my handkerchief, "I'm an impatient man so please stop wasting my time. I want your full name, age, and how you got here".

Finally the young girl begins to speak, "B-beatrice Rivera. Just turned 17 last month. And I...J-jake found me off the streets where I had been trafficked as a sex slave".

I smile after blowing off smoke, "Now listen Beatrice I rarely give second chances. And never third. Especially to liars".

She starts to snort through her sobs, "H-h-he kidnapped me on my way to the store. 10:30 at night. He raped me and almost killed me. But I he decided against it and brought me here. I want to go home...p-pleasssee".

My father built me so that getting my emotions mixed up with my work never happened. But this, this was uncontrollable. I can't help but not see Lucia in this girl. In this child.

I had a gut feeling that something was going on in this particular club which is why I came over. My gut has never lied to me and I'm lad I always trust it. But I never would have imagined this.

"Who was it? Jake?"

She rubs her nose wit my handkerchief, "A-andy. Jake only knew afterwards".

I roll my sleeves up, "Go pack your bags Beatrice".

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