Ch. 2 • Life Is Sour, Not Sweet

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"Good morning, sissy!"

I smiled and turned to the twins who were skipping into the kitchen. "Morning, babes."

"What're making?" Pamela asked, peeking from behind me.

"Well, I know you like strawberry pancakes and Penny likes blueberry so I made both. Y'all sit at the table and I'll be done in a minute," I said.

They obliged and waited until I came with their breakfast. This was always their favorite part of the day. When they first wake up, I make breakfast, and we get to stay in our pajamas for hours. Nothing like the way it was at home.

"So how's school, girls?" I asked.

Penny shrugged. "It's alright I guess. Too much work for me."

"What about your friend? Um, El. . . Elton?"

She shook her head. "It's Ernest, and me and him are still friends. I like him a lot actually, but daddy said it's bad because Ernest smiles at me too much."

"Ernest is really nice to Penny, I see it. He sits with us at lunch too and since I don't have a lot of friends that's good," Pamela spoke up.

"I was the same way. I didn't have many friends and I was really awkward too. But I managed pretty good," I said, empathizing with Pammy. "Anyway, what do y'all feel like getting into today?"

"I wanna' go to the park," the twins said.

"So the park it is."

° ° °

I released a sigh as I lowered myself onto a bench in front of the playground. The twins had run off and were now going going back and forth between on the slide. Silently, I watched them all play, following their every move in case one of them go hurt. I had motherly instincts, I swear.

Pursing my lips together, I leaned back against the bench and closed my eyes slightly. Relishing in the fresh air and freedom of silence.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

I looked up to the man that approached me. "Yes?"

"Well, I'm not too good with these things, but I had to say that you are one beautiful doll," he said smoothly. "My name's Charles."

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