Purple Pixels

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Monday November 21st, 2010, Arcade Center

Ah highschool, a place everyone seems to either love or hate, a place where you spend most of your life in and, lets face it you probably never paid attention in any class. At the time it wasn't uncommon for students to go to parties, drink underage and all that teenage stuff. But it also wasn't that uncommon to visit the arcade center from time to time, play some games everyone's been talking about for the past 2 weeks. Most just played them to seem cool and popular. But for some people playing arcades was to escape reality, to get away from constant stress from both school and home. And one of those people, was Virgil.

Virgil was a quiet student, usually invisible to most people, didn't have many friends, you know the drill. But since no one noticed him, he could easily listen to the school news so he wasn't that behind. Not that he cared really. He was usually seen in the arcade centre playing various games. Today wasn't any different. He went to his usual corner where most of his favourite games were. But there was a new game, purple and vibrant coloured. Virgil didn't hesitate to play it, the game itself was pretty easy and calming, with soft music playing in the background and sunset themed colour scheme. He didn't realize how long he has been playing the game, he spent most of the time daydreaming about a perfect day. But his daydreaming was interrupted by loud singing from the other side of the room. He recognised the voices quickly and why they were singing, it was Deceit's birthday, his old bully as well as his long lasting crush. He never had the courage to tell him in fear of being rejected. Their relationship wasn't awful but they won't consider each other anything more than friends. He sighed to himself when he saw him and his friends laughing and singing, he wasn't jealous, more disappointed, in himself. Whenever someone tried to get close to him he brushed them of, pushed them away or simply ghosted them. He didn't have many friends except for Patton.
But Patton was friends with everyone, I mean who could resist his constant happiness and welcoming atmosphere? Virgil at first tried not to be too personal about himself but Patton can sense whenever something is wrong, and that's how they became best friends.

Virgil tried to focus on the game but kept getting distracted by constant laughter. He finally just gave up and stopped playing, taking him bag and putting his headphones on while he headed for the exit. He tripped on the way cousing many people including Deceit to stare and laugh. He blushed from embarrassment and quickly got out the place constantly rethinking the scene. He couldn't care less about where he was going and bumbed into a taller male with glasses. The shorter male instantly started to apologize but was quickly stopped by the taller's male comforting smile. "Hey it's okay, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either." Virgil stared into his eyes "oh.. okay.." was the only thing he could say.
"You're Virgil aren't you?"

"Uh yeah..how do you kno-"

"We're in the same class but I don't believe we've ever actually talked. I'm Logan"

"Oh, well hi, and sorry again.."

"It's okay" Logan smiled softly adjusting his glasses and closing his book he has been reading. "May I ask, why are you in such hurry?"

"Oh, I just tripped and everyone started laughing at me so I wanted to get out as soon as possible-" he said quickly still embarrassed from the event.

Logan chuckled softly "it happens you know"

"I see you're very positive" he smiled slightly.

"I wouldn't call myself positive nor negative, I prefer to stay on the logical side of things." He adjusted his clearly too big for him glasses again.

Virgil nodded and looked away when he realised he's been staring "Soo does that mean you don't believe in aliens? Or ghosts?"

"I never said that, I mean there is a lot of scientific evidence of life besides our species. I also do enjoy Science-fiction and a good horror from time to time."

"Really? I wouldn't take you for the horror type" he chuckled quietly "not to be rude-"

"Nah it's good, I mean I am considered the 'nerd' of the school anyway so your assumption doesn't surprise me, but I have to keep my grades up, I mean my father is the Mayor after all, he'd be rather cross if I got in trouble.." He sighed quietly to himself.

"Awh, I mean that'll explain a lot.." he looked up at him

Logan looked back at him and smiled again "Well, are you busy at the moment? We could go get coffee if you want-"

"Oh no I'm not busy, and sure I guess" A not so common smile appeared on Virgil's pale face.

They both started walking and chatting, as well as giggling from time to time. Maybe, just maybe they could be friends..Or more if they were lucky..

Woah you really thought that was the end? What about all the angst and possible fluff you ask? Well you'll find out in the next chapter!
Follow me for more fanfics, stay hydrated, take your meds and make sure to eat something, I love y'all, you can do this💜

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