Safe and backstory! (Currently Rewriting)

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Agreeing with him in that fact, both of them stood up and Dusk carried him outside. There they layed him inside the car right away and drove back to Dusks home.

The reason of Dusks home and not the Sanctuary was easy, the plan on finding Billy-Ray...

was a Secret..

, no one of the Sanctuary gave them a permission, someone like Damocles Creed wouldn't , anyways. Since Creed's in charge and China had died a lot of things have changed and the Detectives, including Valkyrie and Dusk, who weren't under his influence, barely trust the Sanctuary anymore.

These Detectives more likely have their own little secret goverment now. Consisting of a various amount of people, that she never believed to trust in the future. For Example Temper Fray, former member of the church of Faceless Ones, Omen Darkly, a young Student, Clarabelle and Synecdoche , their nurses, Scapegrace and Trasher, known Zombies, Springheeled Jack and his kids, Neferian Serpine, leader of the Resistance from the Leibniz Dimension and of course Dusk and Valkyrie.

Speaking of them, being a Quick-driver as usual, they made it back home in 10 minutes and in less than 2 more, they already got the barely breathing killer on a mattress.

Unfortunately 'till one of their medicals would arrive, it will already be too late.

For this purpose Dusk and Valkyrie improvised. They knew it will sooner or later come in handy, to watch how Synecdoche treats them.

As it seems they were right.

And they were grateful about it.

Consequently Dusk got the med kit and some alcohol to wash the wounds. Meanwhile Valkyrie shoved Sanguines sleeves up and removed the cloth on his right wrist.

Just to reveal an even more horrific sight, his whole arms both left and right were full of those scars and bruises.

Causing her to bit her lip " D-DUSK!!!" she cried out for him.

In turn he immediately appeared from the doorway with the med kit in mouth and a syringe in his right hand, that he quickly pushed in the vein of his left arm and pushed the liquid in his blood stream.

" Sorry...I just..." he began to apologize, but quickly cut himself off, once he saw Sanguines arms. " Oh...GOD" he gasped and ran up to a nearby table to put the med-kit on.

"Quickly ...wash the wounds with the alcohol", he said, while giving it to her , "I'm going to get some bandages" he continued and concentrated himself on finding the bandages.

During Valkyrie did like she was told. Opening the bottle of the alcohol and washing the wound. Although she really hated this kind of method to clean wounds, because of the great pain, it inflicts you, when you're conscious.

Luckily Sanguine wasn't.

And wouldn't anytime soon.

Eventually the moment Valkyrie was done, Dusk fortunately found the bandages and went over to her with them and a gel." Good...can you lift his right arm a bit.. " he requested following.

Once again Valkyrie did so and carefully lifted Billy-Rays right arm. To what, Dusk put some of the gel on the bandage and gently wrapped it around his bruised wrist.

The same for the left.

In time they were finished it was already deep in the night, so Valkyrie decided to stay the night over at Dusks.

Obviously it wasn't worth driving home, just to come back six hours later.

Plus they still had to check a few things on Sanguine. Because his breathing was still very weak and the great bloodloss sure did some mental damage, as well.

A fever was to expect, as well.

Yet, the least they could do against fever was to put something wet on his forehead and hope for the best.

Furthermore they will have to wait up to the morning to be able to continue helping him. And maybe call Synecdoche. But for now everything they could do, had been done, which is why both went into bed...

...After honestly thinking twice about it...

(Important for Rewrite - Version)

(Apparently she did so and put his razor in the same time out of his reach inside her pocket.)

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