Snapping out of my thoughts, I stand firm. "No. I wont go, and—and I can't do that anymore." I admit softly, trying to keep my face strong yet vulnerable at the same time—Damn you feelings and your fucking feelings. Ugh. 

She arches an eyebrow and crosses her arms together. "Oh? And why can't you?" 

Gulping, I try not to fall down on my knees at the intensity of this moment. "Because I'm starting—to care about you." I choke out, slapping my forehead mentally at how badly I said it. "If you know what I mean." I added for good measure, seeing as her shoulders deflate.

  "No, I actually don't know what you mean so would you please? I have to go." 

I try to reach out for her but remembered there's a ton filled of shit on my arms so I can't even hold unto the girl—I'm going to kill Joy for this later, buying stuff was a bad idea—it just adds on the heavy weight in my shoulders. "Lisa, wait. Hear me out, please." This time it was my turn to beg for her, my turn to let her know how bad I felt and apologize. 

She's about to turn around and face me, probably to say more shit to my face about how much I suck when we both hear the sound of a phone ringing.

My eyes narrow to Joy's covered face and scowl when I see Lisa doing the same thing. 

Joy hurriedly rolls down her window and brings up her phone, swishing it around like some flag as she lets out a scared smile. "Sorry—" she whispers, clucking her tongue.

"—Just go on and—"  "Joy?"

Lisa breathes out and in the corner of my eye, I see her body tensing. "Of all the people in the world—Park Sooyoung?" she chortles, shaking her head in mockery as she snaps her head to me and glares.

"Is this some kind of pun to you Chaeyoung? I already know you like her so don't dig it in anymore." She huffs, throwing her hands in the air as she stomps away and walks to the right, leaving both Joy and I with our jaws down to the floor. 

Maybe I don't need Joy with me when I apologize to Lisa. It's probably better that way. Yeah.

"You like me?" 

Clenching my eyes shut, I ignore the way Joy's smirk is so up her face and smug when I throw the things back in the backseat and dump myself beside her, crossing my arms together as I try to tune out the sound of her obnoxious laughter as she leans on her seat and slams her hand hard on the steering wheel, doubling over.

"Fuck—who—"  Hissing, I slap her arm and roll my eyes at her. "Shut up—" I say, sweat dripping down my forehead because the car was off and the only thing surrounding us is closed heat. "—I don't like you even in a friendly way, so don't let it get into your head." I scold her, slumping down on my seat as I groan and whine and throw my legs around like an arrogant child. 

Joy doesn't stop laughing though. "That's not what Lisa said—"

  "Well that's what I said, so step on the pedal before I step on your face Barbie." I rebuke, pointing my finger hard on her as she playfully puts her hands up in defense.

  "Okay girl-who-likes-me, let's think of plan B since—" 

Shaking my head, I stop her. "No. No plan B—you're not helping me anymore." I cut her off, shivering at the thought of her second plan. "Just keep the rumors away about the sex-bet thing and that's all I ask—other than that—I'm doing this on my own turf." 

She frowns while turning on the engine. "What? No fun, I want to know what more things Manoban knows about your crush on me." she jokes, sending me a wink as I nearly decide to myself to just open the door and fall out, wanting nothing more than to get away from her and chase after Lisa—but I'm too much of a chicken. ____________________________________

Bullies with benefits - Chaelisa (converted)Where stories live. Discover now