Chapter 9

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           "Carter! What happen!" Mirko said as he exited the ware house to see Carter hovering over someone with a gun pointed directly to their head, he had shot them two times after seeing them creep up on him, the few people that were in the ware house came out to see the commotion.

       "He tried to shoot me man... he was creeping up to the car." Carter said, while standing in shock after what he just did but he was glad that he had a gun on his waistline just for this moment and couldn't be more glad that he came prepared.

     "Come on, let's just get in the car. Hurry up man." Mirko rushed, and they both got into the vehicle and he pulled off as fast as he could and started to make his way back home.

     Carter shook his head from side to side and stared directly down at his piece, he couldn't wrap his mind around on why anybody would want to hurt him, and even knew where he was at, it started to worry him. Was someone out to get him? Did he have a price on his head? What could lead anyone to try to harm him, he didn't get it.

        "Man I'm tryna figure out what was that shit about? That nigga crept up on me like he knew me or something and I know I ain't got no beef with nobody."

        "He probably was just tryna rob you man..."

        "You right, that had to be it. But it's like the way he crept up was crazy."

     Carter picked up his phone, as Giselle started calling back to back, he answered on the first ring. "Hello."

         "Oh my God! Carter why did I hear gun shots and shit, are you okay? Please tell me your alright baby?" She said in a panicking tone.

        "I'm okay baby, thank God. Some nigga just tried to smoke me and I had to get him first."

       "Carter. "She whined. "Baby that's not good."

       "I know bae... Ima lay low tonight and I'll just come get you in the morning okay? I gotta go alright?"

          "Baby no, atleast  stay on the phone with me until you get home if your not gonna come get me. . Please Carter, I need to know that you make it back home safely." She begged him and Carter could not argue with her on that note so agreed. Because he knew that she was scared shitless.

         "Alright bae, I'm here with you." He told her.

Mirko looked at Carter and shocked his head in disbelief.


The morning came and Carter went to go pick up Giselle and brought her back over to his home, while he was pulling into the drive way, Mirko was pulling out. They didn't talk much about the incident last night but he did wanted to know more about what was behind it because if a price was on his head he needed to know. He stopped the car and stood still for a minute.

       "You good baby?" Giselle asked him.

        "Yeah, I'm good bae." He yawned. "The shit that happen last night just got me thinking. Mirko saying, that maybe the nigga was tryna rob me but I feel like that could be some shit behind juice and the shit surrounding my pops death and shit I don't know what or who to trust these days. So I'm just doing a lot of thinking.

    She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes and tears began to swell up in her eyes. Carter looked at her with a concerned facial expression on his face, he lifted up her chin and wiped her tears away. "What's wrong bae?"

MIRKO & CARTER Where stories live. Discover now