Chapter 97: Cannot carelessly call "wife"

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Before he finishes explaining, his lips are stolen by Long Zhanye. The soft and gentle but no less intense kiss makes his heart thump unsteadily. Like a pebble being thrown into calm waters, ripples break his tranquil state.

"Only I am allowed to call you "wife" since you are already mine." Releasing his tight grip, Long Zhanye shifts his arms down a little more to better cuddle Huo Zaiyuan.

"I'm not going to be your wife." Raising his head to look at Long Zhanye, Huo Zaiyuan widens his eyes in mock-innocence. "You are going to be my wife."

"All right, husband ~ " The corners of his mouth rising, Long Zhanye proceeds to rub their cheeks together.

"Un, good." Huo Zaiyuan pats Long Zhanye on the head, feeling extremely satisfied as he leans against the soldier's chest.

One word of "husband" is able to make Huo Zaiyuan feel so contented that the youth completely misses the devious light flashing in Long Zhanye eyes.

Heheh...such an innocent child...let you be perfectly content for this short period of time. Wait until we return to A City, then I'll properly educate you on who is the husband and who is the wife. (Author's note: Senior officer Long is a black-bellied man!)

Kissing and hugging for a while, Huo Zaiyuan finally extracts himself from the other's arms and go about arranging the room to suit his taste.

Because this place has been unoccupied for a while, a layer of dust has settled on every surface. Long Zhanye opens the window for ventilation while Huo Zaiyuan takes out a paper talisman and sets it on fire. Waving the paper until it crumbles to ash, rays of faint silvery light illuminates the room. Gradually, the dust coating everything slowly disappears until not a speck remains.

Rising an incredulous eyebrow at the now spotless place, Long Zhanye asks. "Little Yuan, what kind of charm did you just use?"

He has seen the youth's peach wood and paper talismans slaying zombies, burning corpses and creating barriers, as well as the most recent paper crane surveillance, but this is the first time he saw it being used this way. Really heaven-defying.

"That was a simple Dirt Cleansing Charm I learned from the book grandmother Zhang left me. Since it is very easy to draw, I created some and left it in the space. Originally, I thought they would be useless but I unexpectedly manage to find a use for them now." As he explains, he removes two blankets, handing one over to Long Zhanye. "Your bed, you make it."

In this elite private school, the dormitories are split into higher class or ordinary. The former is a private room while the latter is a room shared between two. The block they are currently in is for ordinary dormitories, hence why there are two single beds.

Taking the blanket, Long Zhanye tosses it on the other single bed before dragging Huo Zaiyuan, who is busy arranging his bed properly, into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Huo Zaiyuan glances questioningly over his shoulder at his man.

"I was almost bored to death cooped up in the car these past few days. At night, you always disappear into your space to cultivate. Could you not go tonight?" Resting his chin on Huo Zaiyuan shoulder, Long Zhanye sighs, looking for all the world like a pitiful pet being abandoned by its owner.

Amusement rises in Huo Zaiyuan upon seeing that miserable appearance. Leaning forward to kiss his cheek, he consents with a nod. "Okay, I won't cultivate tonight and won't enter the space."

For the last few days when the four of them were confined in the car during the day, Huo Zaiyuan occupies himself by reading and folding paper cranes. As for Long Zhanye, he tried to kill time by dismantling his machine gun, cleaning each part thoroughly before assembling it again several times. Occasionally, he takes over driving from Qin Jun. Li Qing reads, sleeps and stares out the window while Qin Jun drives, rest and drives again. At night, Huo Zaiyuan disappears into his space, Qin Jun sleeps, leaving Li Qing and Long Zhanye to take turns keeping watch.

Also, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they steer clear of main streets and drive on the small side roads instead. Although it takes them more time to get from place to place, it is more preferable to being stuck trying to manoeuvre through a mass of stationary vehicles and risk being ambushed by zombies.

"Let's sleep together. We can put these two beds side by side." Long Zhanye suggests, his pathetic expression vanishing instantly.

"Sure. You make the bed. I'll take a shower first." In terms of sleeping in the same bed, Huo Zaiyuan doesn't feel shy in the slightest, as this isn't the first time they did so. On top of that, they are in an established relationship now, so there's nothing wrong with sleeping together in the same bed.

"Un, pass it over." Pecking Huo Zaiyuan on the lips one more time, Long Zhanye lets him go.

Smiling at Long Zhanye, Huo Zaiyuan disappears in a flash of silver light.

Feeling very satisfied, Long Zhanye shifts the two single beds together, then carefully lays both blankets over the top.

At this moment, someone knocks on the closed door. With one last flick of his wrist, Long Zhanye straightens and heads over, pulling the door open to reveal Zhou Xingfeng on the other side, a stunning smile on his face.

As soon as he realises Long Zhanye is the one who opened the door, his expression falls. "Why is it you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Long Zhanye's sword eyebrows rise, displeasure written all over his face. Shifting his lean body slightly, he purposely blocks the younger man's line of sight, hindering him from trying to sneak peeks into the room.

Hmph, this brat is starting to be an eyesore. Actually daring to take advantage of his little Yuan. The only one who can call little Yuan "wife" is Long Zhanye!

"I'm here to find my wife."

Height-wise, Zhou Xingfeng is shorter than Long Zhanye. In addition, the latter did not open the door fully and is bodily blocking the doorway. Even if the former was to stretch his neck as far as possible, the only thing he can see is the white walls. This annoys the student to no end.

The displeasure in Long Zhanye's heart deepens further when Zhou Xingfeng once again calls Huo Zaiyuan "wife". Gaze hardening into an ice-cold stare, he leans forward intimidatingly, tone frosty. "Little Yuan is mine. Only I can call him "wife". If I hear that word coming out of your mouth one more time, I'll wring your neck."

Throwing out these vicious words, Long Zhanye gives a disdainful snort and shuts the door in Zhou Xingfeng's face.

Shocked by the door suddenly slamming shut, Zhou Xingfeng's nose would have been smashed if he had been a second slower in jerking backwards. Heart trembling in fright, he even forgets the reason why he came looking for Huo Zaiyuan in the first place.

Flee first, think later. This little life is most important to him ah!!

That man is truly savage! Where did wife - er...little Yuan find this person, and how did he manage to tame and bring back such a terrifying, high-level BOSS?!


[1] Wearing green hats = significant other is cheating on you

[2] ZXF is using RPG terms, so he says class as in Warrior, Rogue, Mage, etc

Rebirth of MC Chpt 1 - 101  (unedited translation)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin