Chapter 95: The talk between grandfather and grandson

Mulai dari awal

"Un, understood."

At this moment, hurried footsteps can be heard off-screen, followed by panting before an elderly with a head full of white hair, clad in black military attire appears on display.

"Child, you finally contacted me! Are you trying to scare your grandfather to death!!"

A quick scan tells Long Zhanye the old man is still as spirited as ever, allowing him to lay his worries to rest and a genuinely fond smile to appear.

"Grandfather's constitution is still strong. How is it possible for your heart to give out simply by being startled? Furthermore, you must believe in your grandson's abilities ah. The 'Tyrannosaurus of the Army's' most precious grandson will definitely not be done in by something as insignificant as the apocalypse."

"Hmph, you brat. That...did you manage to find that child?" Grandfather Long harrumphed coldly as he regards his delinquent grandson, concealing the fact that the sight of the youngster's face eases his heart.

"Haven't yet. Before zombies roamed the streets, I followed a lead to Z City. But it fell into disarray so I couldn't continue my search." Long Zhanye shrugs his shoulders, outwardly showing he didn't give a damn, but inwardly pondering over this matter.

It is very likely that little devil who is so good at evading has long been transformed into a zombie and is currently wandering around Z City. (Author's note: The very same little devil who is so good at evading, little Yuan shou: ......what?)

"Such a thing happened ah...aiya...your life ah..."

"Grandfather, it's my own life, I will definitely grasp it with my own hands. Before the apocalypse, I couldn't find them no matter how hard I searched. Now with the world in chaos, how would it be possible to continue?"

"True, these kinds of meetings need to be brought around by fate. If it is destined to happen, it will happen." Grandfather Long is eventually convinced, heaving a sigh before eyeing his precious grandson. "You. Return at once. I'll let your left and right adjutants bring a squad of soldiers to retrieve you."

"No need." Long Zhanye shakes his head, refusing immediately. "Although A City was the fastest in establishing a safe zone and a workable plan, there is still the matter of insignificant personnel. If my adjutants are sent with a squad to retrieve me, there will be a shortage of manpower over there. On top of that, coming from A City all the way out here would place more lives under my care. There are zombies everywhere, so coming out is not safe. I will be able to reach A City by myself."

"But you are all alone..."

"Don't worry, grandfather. I have a few comrades with me." A soft smile pulls at the corners of his mouth as he thinks about Huo Zaiyuan.

"Comrades. What sort of people are they that you willingly travel with them?" Seeing the gentle smile playing on his grandson's lips, Grandfather Long's quirks a bushy white eyebrow. "The Elder Taoist priest told me those undead are being controlled by an evil source. Aren't you afraid those companions of yours will encumber you along the way?"

"They are pretty able." Without the slightest hesitation, Long Zhanye presents his evaluation of Huo Zaiyuan and his friends before answering his grandfather's question with one of his own. "Grandfather, that Elder Taoist priest mentioned the zombies are controlled by an evil source?"

Demonic aura, evil corresponds with what Huo Zaiyuan said last time. Could it be this apocalypse is really brought about by those ants and swamps?

"That's right. This old man's white-coats (researchers) previously captured an undead and dissected it. They discovered a strange gas emitting from the undead's brains, which nearly caused a big disaster in the research institution. Fortunately, the Taoist gave me a protective amulet beforehand." Wading through battlefields for a decade in his youth, Grandfather Long has weathered large gales and experienced impressive storms. Rare indeed are moments when fear flash in his eyes.

"Grandfather, where is the Elder Taoist priest now?" Long Zhanye asks, brow wrinkling.

It seems they need to return to A City as soon as possible...although he did manage to contact his grandfather, there are still quite a few concerns.

"Before that day, he came over to visit me, so until now he is still residing in the military district. In addition, he set down a few arrays in A City's base, so it is extremely safe."

"Arrays...un, got it." Long Zhanye nods, then continues. "Grandfather, what sort of requests are made when A City's safe zone offer shelter to survivors?"

"Handing over food supplies will permit them entry into the outer districts of the safe zone. After observing them for three days and confirming there are no problems, they will finally be allowed to enter the inner district."

Hearing this, Long Zhanye smiles and dips his head. "Indeed worthy to be my grandfather ah. And here I was worrying you allowed all survivors direct entry. After being scratched, bitten or poisoned, it will take around five to eight hours for the victim's symptoms to surface. Attacking the head or spine are the only ways to ensure a zombie truly dies. Another way is using charms and talismans, the kind that Elder Taoist uses!"

"Un, grandfather understands." Grandfather Long nods. "According to investigation reports, it is extremely likely that the cause of this calamity is connected to G City's dead volcano's sudden eruption. Because even before the first day of the apocalypse, there was already no signs of living human beings within G City. B City's military district dispatched a squad of soldiers are well as researchers to investigate, but none returned Judgement Day approached, there were indications of a second eruption from that volcano. This time, however, it spewed forth some kind of blood red mist that hung over the skies of G City...according to the Elder Taoist, that mist is no ordinary fog, but a cloud of demonic energy. If uncontained, it will continue spreading and the end results will be too horrible to contemplate. Which is why you need to return as quickly as you can."

"Okay." Long Zhanye agrees, lips pursing slightly as he thinks about something else, then slowly speaks. "Grandfather, I think you should issue another order to the remaining military bases and propose a 'mercenary squad' plan. These squads will be responsible for scavenging food and supplies, looking for survivors. Going into more details, it will be..."

Long Zhanye ends up talking with his grandfather for a few hours before heading back down to the military district's office to look for Huo Zaiyuan.

Due to Huo Zaiyuan being someone Long Zhanye personally brought along, and the fact that he patiently explained the safe zone's security risks not too long ago, this military base's astute leader is naturally aware of the youth's special status. Afraid that Huo Zaiyuan will be bored waiting for Long Zhanye to conclude his business, the man had someone bring a few snacks over to please Huo Zaiyuan.

Looking at the snacks place on the table before him, Huo Zaiyuan is not moved in the slightest. Leisurely sipping a few mouths of rich scented tea, his ears finally picks out the familiar gait of Long Zhanye.

"Little Yuan, let's go."

Placing the teacup in his hands down, Huo Zaiyuan gets up from the chair and walks towards Long Zhanye. Shown out the entrance by the base's leader, they finally leave this military base.

As soon as he returns to the off-road vehicle, Long Zhanye updates the other three on everything he talked about with his grandfather, consequently bringing up the fact that he has to return to A City as soon as possible. There were no protests, meaning he has unanimous approval.

Early morning the next day, the party of four eats a simple breakfast before bidding the village chief and villagers farewell. Departing from the safe zone, the off-road vehicle treads on the path towards A City once more.


[1] Name of another country

Rebirth of MC Chpt 1 - 101  (unedited translation)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang