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Hi everyone! Hope you like this new story of mine so far :) Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, What the Hell by Avril Lavigne and Get Back by Demi Lovato.


Chapter Playlist:
All Too Well by Taylor Swift
(Actually Hush Hush also works but I used it last chapter :p)

Two years later

"Hurry, May, it's almost time for us to go onstage!"

Eighteen-year-old May Maple finished combing her already perfectly done hair and stood up to face her best friend, Dawn Berlitz.

"You ready to do this, Dawn?" May asked, already knowing the answer.

"No need to worry! I'm always ready!"
After May had broken up with Drew, she and her family had moved away from LaRousse City the very next day. She found more than a new home in Petalburg- she also found new friends. Brendan Birch, Dawn Berlitz, Paul Rebolledo(well, May supposed he was a friend)-- they all attended the Petalburg School of the Arts. That was where May discovered her passion for music.

She studied there for two years- and after that, she and her friends started a band.

Now she was 18, and so were they.

Their little school band with big dreams had grown into something much, much more. Now, they were touring Sinnoh.

"Now let's give a huge welcome to 'Enchanting Dynamo!'" The hostess for the night said into the microphone, her voice melodious and silky. The heavy velvet curtains parted, revealing two confident girls standing on the stage and two boys, one behind the drums, one clutching a cobalt blue electric guitar.

Silky blue locks of hair hung from the girl on the left, her charming smile earning her a chorus of cheers from the crowd. She was the image of ultimate grace and poise. The brunette on the right, however, played a different part. Her bouncy hair was half-placed in a messy ponytail. A smug grin was placed on her lips, coated with a light sheen of lip gloss. Nothing fancy. Nevertheless, she was still a fond favorite.

The two boys were dressed like rock stars, wearing similar outfits of red and black.

"People of Sinnoh, are you ready for an amazing night?" Dawn cheered, her brilliant voice resounding off the halls. Wolf whistles and cheers followed, much to the band's pleasure.

"A 1! A 1! A 1 2 3 4!" May sang, looking towards Paul and Brendan.

May's pink glittery pop star dress shone in the blinding stage lights as she belted out the first line:

"You say that I'm messing with your head..."

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah!" Dawn chanted, the blue counterpart of May's dress glinting like a star under the bright stage lights.
May was singing their final song when she saw him.

"I wanna get back, get back, with you!" May sung, clutching her microphone.

Then it happened. Then she saw him.

Eyes glazing over the cheering crowd for no particular reason, her sapphire orbs suddenly narrowed in on a head of green hair.

Green hair.

Green hair she would know anywhere.

A wave of panic washed over her as her singing faltered for a moment. Dawn shot her a worried glance, and she was snapped out of her trance.
"Hey May, what happened back on stage? You know, when you went all spacey," Dawn asked, voice laced with concern as they returned to their dressing room.

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